It started in Paris Part 2

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We tried our best to keep our love making quiet but when it is so sensual it is impossible
We tried our best to keep our love making quiet but when it is so sensual it is impossible and the other girl (F) woke saw what was happening and went back to sleep (I'm sure she thought she was dreaming) We kept the pleasure going until it was time to return to my spot next to the other girl (J), when we all woke up in the morning the other 2 girls did not suspect a thing had gone on that night but my mind was racing with the "forbidden like" pleasure that I had.
I exchanged addresses and said that I would pass thru Minneapolis and am I glad that I did as (S) and I really got into the shenanigans plus she introduced me to one of her girlfriends and we all had one hell of a time (but that's another story)
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