It started in Paris, part 1

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I kissed my way down to her boling honeypot and kissed the lips of her sweet pussy and......
It started in Paris where I meet some female University students from Minneapolis USA, I was my usual horny self and tried to woo one of them (J) to bed but unfortunately it did not happen, so we made plans to catch up in London.
So a week passes and I meet them in London and I show them around the sights, we end up in Covent Gardens for a drink or few and end up at their Hotel, they (3 girls) say you mighht as well stay with us as it is very late (they were all sharing the same room), so I agree and organise a spot on the floor close the the girl that I was keen on (J) , I then give the girls a kiss goodnight the first (F) on was on the cheek but the second girl (S) made sure she gave me a beautiful sensual kiss on the lips and in an instant it when straight to my nether regions!!! I then went to my spot on the floor next to the one I was keen on and tried to do the same with her and all I got was a kiss on the cheek and she made it clear that was all there was so I put out the light and laid down.
The kiss from S was really working its magic and playing on my mind, I was tossing and turning thinking to myself that she wanted me but how could I make it happen so I deared myself to crawl over there and give her just as an amazing kiss as she had given me, much easier said than done I agonised for ages on whether I would or not, at one stage I got all the way there next to her bed then I turned back finally I plucked the courage to sneak over and I started to kiss her slowly and sensuously and I could sense that she was fantasying about what I was doing cos at that point she woke and realised it was me and what was going on and she just dragged me into her bed.
We kissed, hugged, stroked and played with each other without a word being spoken, the temparature sure was building and then I kissed my way down to her boling honeypot and kissed the lips of her sweet pussy and like Moses who parted the Red Sea her legs opened up and I was lead to the Promised Land. She came shortly after that with a pillow over her head so as to keep the noise down then she took over and I would have loved to see clearly what she was doing to my roaring cock but it was very dark and the spasms were racy thru my body emanating from my cock, she wanted me to come in her and dragged herslf onto my throbbing cock and in a few strokes we both came.  
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