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Marathon sex

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30 minutes later I was in the midst of some of the best fucking I had ever been involved in...
After a few emails we decided to meet for the first time at the local pub on the dance floor. For a while we teased each other dancing with other people until she made her way over to me and backed up against me for a wriggle. We hardly spoke to each other but I'm sure she could feel my cock about to explode as she rubbed her cute little arse up against me while we danced. After many drinks we grabbed a cab and headed back to her place. Ater hours of feeling each other up on the dance floor we finally got to remove some clothes. I was very pleased to see her amazing size 12 figure in some very sexy blue satin lingerie. I guess we considered the foreplay over with on the dance floor back at the pub. She sat straight onto my cock and started to grind slowly. Now my cock is not exactly small but as soon as I lifted my hips she let out a moan and proceeded to gush all over my hard cock shaking uncontrollably. Unfortunately I wasn't even close but as it was 6am and the sun was coming up we both feel asleep. 2 hours later we were both half awake and the wriggling was back on. I figured after a little spooning I'd enter her from behind. 30 minutes later I was in the midst of some of the best fucking I had ever been involved in. She had come twice now and I was still going strong! I'll be honest and say that usually I'm good for 20 minutes atleast but this was our second session and although being harder than a brick and watching an attractive and sexy woman slide her very wet pussy over my cock I still had more to give. Unfortunately for me she was in need of another rest. 30 minutes later I decided to straddle her and give her a little back rub. Again the wriggling started. I could tell she wanted my hard cock again so I again slid into her this time determined to cum just as hard as she had. The sex had been so amazing but this time I was fucking her just for myself. I pushed her head into the pillow and told her I was going to fuck her hard until I exploded. She told me to pull out when i was ready and push the head of my cock onto her ass and come all over it when I was ready. By now I was pulling on a handful of her hair and really driving my cock into her. My groin was aching and my cock felt like it was going to blast off harder than a NASA space shuttle launch. Finally I pulled out and pushed possibly a little too hard against her arse. Her tight arse swallowed the head of my cock and although she screamed she was screaming for me to fill her arse with my cum. It took every bit of will power not to ram all of my cock into her tight arse as I shot three hours of well earned cum into it. The best part is I'm going back for more tonight!  
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