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orgasms galore!

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I have an insatiable appetite for sex, and apparently, so did he
I was checking my flirts about a month ago, and one in particular caught my eye, so I sent him a message. We started chatting, swapped numbers, and agreed to meet for a drink in Adelaide. When I walked into the agreed hotel, I felt like I was on show, as almost every man turned and looked at me...hehe, even some women gave me the up and down look! I am not a super model in the looks department, so was quite flattered , but embarassed. Anyway, it only took me about a minute to locate my date, who was chatting with some people at a table. He immediately came over, kissed me on the cheek, and directed me to a quiet booth...We sat and chatted for a few minutes, then he offered to buy me a drink, and off he went to the bar. When he came back with our drinks, he asked me to move over so he could sit next to me. We only had like a sip of our drinks, and he leant over, very close, touching my necklace, asking what it was, then he snuck in a quick pash on my lips....he stopped, and asked if it was ok to kiss me, of course I said yes! We kissed more, he fondled my breasts, and my pussy, he skulled his drink then he asked if we could go and have sex, as he had already booked a room at a motel down the road. I quickly finished mine, then off we went to his car. This man was certainly prepared with some nibbles and wine, and we went into the room with his goodies! I have an insatiable appetite for sex, and apparently, so did he. We did not take long to get naked, and going at it like rabbits...trying all sorts of positions, angles, on and off the bed! This man was extrememly attentive, giving me alot of oral pleasure, and alot of orgasms. After my 6th one he asked me what my record was for orgasms in one session. I told him 25, and he said, Well, we are going to exceed that record tonight, is that ok? I was like, hell yes! So.....after many more position changes, and him cumming a few times too, I reached the ultimate record of 36 orgasms! Not bad in 2 hours....  
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