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Work mates

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I remember the look on his face when I orgasmed
The sexual tension was there for a long time, we had been work mates for a couple of years, I was married and unhappy for a long time, we would sometimes have lunch together with the rest of the work group, share stories and sexual induendoes as you do. One day I was having a really bad day at work and lashed out at him, I felt so bad about my mood and that I had said something terrible so I sent him an email and asked for his mobile number which he didn't hesitated to give me, I apologised profusely for my mood and lashing out at him, he said he understood and calmed me. The text messages were random and spuratic for months and months and I liked the attention I was getting as I wasn't getting anything at home from my husband who seemed uninterested in me for quite some time. This went on for months, we shared stupid jokes and general 'stuff', quite honestly I enjoyed the attention and missed it when it wasn't there. I looked forward to going to work, even on the days that were terrible because I would see him and spend a few minutes talking and mucking around, joking and
Fast forward... I lost my job there, somehow the planets aligned and my husband was going interstate that very weekend, he asked me to come over, as he had on a few occasions, (birthday night out, random drinks etc, but I never went) but this time I said yes. What was I getting myself into? I wasn't quite sure myself, desperate housewife some may say, I was so nervous I almost didn't go, but I thought, what the hell? What do I have to lose?i trust him as a friend, I am attracted to him and I really didn't want this opportunity to pass this time. So I went there, we talked, I told him I was scared and really didn't know what to expect. He leaned in and kissed me and my insides caught fire. I can't remember the last time that flame had been egnighted, but it was raging inside of me. He then took me by my hand and led me to the bedroom, I don't recall the details, but I do remember the passionate kisses, being undressed and being on top of him when I came and surprised myself that I had remembered how euphoric orgasm could be. I remember the look on his face when I orgasmed and I almost felt embarrassed that it happened so quickly and easily. Why had I waited so long? Maybe it was all to do with timing, the tension leading up to the moment, the familiarness yet the unknown, I felt comfortable and nervous at the same time. But I enjoyed the journey and the ride and I'd do it all again. What a huge explosion of sexual tension gone so right at the right time mmmm  
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