The Tent.

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she's kneeling in front of me playing the flute like a demon while trying to get her belt undone.
Some years back my g/f and I were staying at a mates house. We were just getting worked up one morning, trying to be quiet as my mates family was starting to get underway for the day. I had just had a marvellous feed on the honey-pot when a call went out that we were heading into town in half an hour. That was it; I'd come off the boil and would clearly have to wait until later that night to get my reward. Anyway, we headed out to go to town and on the way we saw a camping store, as our jobs at the time involved quite alot of living under canvass we decided to go in for a browse. Inside there was a large ground floor over which, for part of the floor space, there was a raised split-level platform. There was about 10 other people in the shop.

My g/f and I browsed around the store until we found ourselves on the split-level where the tents were set up. We looked in a few until we came across one with a centre section and 2x 2 man pods. We were checking the headroom in out one of the pods when suddenly my girlfriend turns around and starts yanking at my belt. In a split second my mouth is dry and my heart is thumping like a train. Fortunately her mouth wasn't dry as in a flash she's kneeling in front of me playing the flute like a demon while trying to get her belt undone. It didn't take her long; then in one fluid motion she was up, a trail of saliva still connecting my cock to her mouth(ok, my memory isn't that good but on those lonely nights that is how I choose to remember it). She spins around and shucks her trousers to her knees, looking over her shoulder she whispers,'quick, fuck me!' By then I had stopped reeling and I didn't need a 2nd invitation. In I went, all the way up a beautful hot pussy. I don't remember exactly how long we were at it but it can't have been more than a couple of minutes, when the excitement of it all had me very close. Then it started, I could feel the mornings frustration train surging up through me...shit, at that instant we heard the footsteps of a kid coming up the stairs to the tent area. But the train had definitely left the station and wasn't going girlfriend pushed me off and whipped up her trousers, me at that stage, well I was watching several long shots of cum shoot all over the floor. As it started to subside I pushed my still leaking flute back in my pants, 'wet pants', that's where I got to know how uncomfortable it can be girls, sorry. As I zipped up my girlfriend was sweeping her sandal over my cum to try to make it less obvious but soon the aroma would make it obvious, oh well. We ducked through the door of the tent and passed a kid, while we talked about, 'how it wasn't quite big enough, etc.' Straight down the stairs, into the carpark, into our friends car and away. We couldn't stop smirking at each other as we headed off.

I miss that girl, she was/is something very special and now she lives in Syd'; if your out there BR, luv you Babe!  
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