The Night After Temptation

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we ended up stripped and going at it like honeymooners in Vegas.
We were at a work farewell for a staff member who was retiring, there about twenty of us out and there was a mixed group of ages and sex. We had not that long ago employed a young single mum who wanted a change of career. She was quite easy on the eye and easy going, she worked along side my wife and was always open and chatty about her sexual exploitations, but we never thought anything of it.
On the night of the farewell we all sat at one long table and being the boss we sat in the middle my wife on one side of the table and me on the other.
My wife had said to our new girl she would save her a seat as she said she may be a little late, we had all been seated and had a few drinks when she arrived.
As she arrived and then took her seat we noticed she was a little tipsy and quite giggly but looked stunning, what happened next leads to the Best Shag Ever.
As the night progresses and everyone is having a great night I keep noticing my wife laughing and shuffling in her seat, our new girl is also shuffling in her seat and leaning in towards my wife (everyone is still at the table).
My wife gets up to go to bar and gives me the look to go with her, as we are walking to bar she is laughing and begins to ask me have I noticed what's been going on, she then proceeds to tell me that the whole night our new girl has been caressing her leg sliding her hand under her skirt and whispering in her ear she wants to take her home and have sex.
My wife was a little surprised and slightly embarrassed at the affection so openly in public and kept trying to keep it tactful and respectful in front of the rest of our employees.
We managed to get her home and into bed (spare bed) resisting numerous grabs and requests to sleep with her and have a night of wild sex (we were both sooooo tempted)
The next morning we all rise a little hung over from the big night out and have a little laugh and ring a cab for our new employee neither of the girls embarrassed.
Later that evening my wife and I decided to have a hair of the dog and the only drink left in the cupboard was a bottle of Cointreau, we had one or two and the subject of what happened the night previously came up (and discussed at length), before we new it we are both hornier than we can ever remember and we ended up stripped and going at it like honeymooners in Vegas. we went from the lounge room to the kitchen bench to the pool table to the outdoor dining suite everything from hard fucking to mind blowing oral.
My wife had never squirted before and she squirted twice. We both collapsed in exhaustion and looked at each other and gave praise to our new girl, she had brought out senses and thoughts my wife had never had. One Amazing Shag....  
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