Submitted Sex Secret #71

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I won’t reveal too much detail as my flat mate could get rather embarrassed... She just moved in a month or so ago and recently started bringing her boyfriend home. I study part-time and after work one night I was up late studying. I heard some bumping, from what I thought was downstairs. I wandered down to see what was going on, and could not see anything - I had thought someone was probably breaking in the back window! It turns out my flat mate was going for it with her partner on the couch in her room! I only figured that out with some rather loud panting from both of them and then a crash as the couch hit the wall! He is one lucky man but could get expensive repairing her couch! Needless to say, there have been a few jokes about things that go bump in the night from the rest of us! We are all just jealous!  
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