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Submitted Sex Secret #351

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My First: for your amusement

Not a particularly sexy story but some may find it amusing and thats fun too.

A young sailor i was. Never had that gift that the ladies like and so found myself still a

virgin at 18 and posted to HMAS Harman in Canberra. Now I don't know what Canberra is

like now but it didn't seem to me then like a place where i was going to find what i was

seeking. By my 18th year to have a woman had gone way beyond a desire, it had become

a need. So i looked up the local brothel in the newspaper, tucked a few dollars into my

pocket hoping to christ it was enough and trotted off to finally, fully enjoy the female form

for myself... get laid.

I still remember the feeling as i lifted my knuckles to knock at the door. The Madam

answered it and so with her comforting smile we discussed the price. It seems i had

brought enough, phew, all good so far. At least i had saved myself the embarrassment of

being turned away at the door. Back in those days it was $50 for half an hour and $80 for

an hour, it was a long time ago... I told the Madam about my cherry and she led me to a

room with a couple of girls laying about on couches. One was sent out and within minutes

more filed in and made themselves comfortable on the various furniture. I think from

memory there were about 10 girls, never been laid and here i was with 10 girls to choose


The Madam related my virginity to the girls and asked that whoever i selected should

show thier consideration. Now i may have been young but i was never stupid. The

reaction among the girls was glorious. Most of the faces lit up to one degree or another

and a some sat forward a little expectantly. A couple of them were more interested in the

reactions of the other girls and were grinning wryly. My mind was moving pretty fast, well

for me anyway, i don't think i was shaking on the outside but i certainly felt like i was on

the inside.

I selected the girl that i felt had the most eager reaction to my young plight and she took

my hand and led me through the building to a room. Now the act itself is not something

that strong in my memory. I applied myself as i had read, imagined and seen in the few

porno films i had seen by that time. Condoms were not a legal requirement in those days.

Nobody had heard of aids or herpes so the only things to worry about could be cured

with penicillin. The lack of rubber probably made it easier for me and so it all just felt very


What i wasn't expecting was the obviously upset lass when i had finished. She was

asking why i had lied about being a virgin and i tried to explain that i hadn't. She was

getting more heated about it and i left the room with her accusations billowing out of the

door behind me "Are you kinky or something?, how you get your rocks off?, telling

everybody you're a virgin?"

I saw the Madam approaching to see what all the commotion was about and was quick to

tell her that i hadn't lied, the lass had had my cherry. She was very understanding and

listened before leading me to the door. I emerged to the street with very mixed feelings.

On the one hand the first girl i had enjoyed had got upset about it, on another relief that i

now knew first hand what it was like to enjoy the body of a woman, yet another pride that i

had apparently done so well that she didn't believe me.

I returned to the brothel usually once a week for the remainder of that posting. I never

saw that lass again though i don't know if its because she had left or was in hiding when i

visited. I thought it prudent not to ask. I hope she didn't get into trouble because i bore

no ill feeling.

Fond memories from then on and i still feel thanks to those girls for thier patience and

understanding in showing me the ropes, though they cost me an arm and a leg... they

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