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Submitted Sex Secret #344

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I had my first real orgasim at 35, it was a very late warm night, had this secret lustful crush on my neighbor for several years. On this particular night, i was extra horny and the vibrator was not doing it for me, well i ventured next door and knocked. He answered the door to veiw me in my next to nothing sleeping attire, smile slipping to his lips.
He invited me in for a cool drink. After an hour i was starting to warm up and slide towards him, he smiled at me with anticipation, i started to rub his leg smiling, I asked if he would like to make love, he abliged very quickly and said he has been dying to taste me and make love to me since i first moved in next door.I said i was sexually attracted to him too and was always watching him move his body, god he has a sexy ass, and i fanatise of him naked in bed with me.
With in 5min we were pashing deeply, and slipping each others cloths off, he laid me back onto the lounge and positioned me as he slowly went down on me. God it was heaven, been some time since i had sex, i knew this would be good.
He was slurping and sucking so much i just non stop dribbled, til i had verey wet spot under me.Been awhile since a man made me dribble like that, next thing i know his has slipped in 4 fingers than the whole hand was inside me, my god it was something i had never experienced before, i felt like i had wet myself the whole body spasimed so much , when he pulled his hand out, well i had never gushed as much as i did that night, he had 4towels held to my pulsing vagina and i cum for 20min before my body relaxed, that was the first and only biggest gush and orgasim i have ever felt by either man or woman.  
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