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Submitted Sex Secret #335

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Everything is always more exciting the first time, right? Especially when it's something as sexy as experimenting with your sexuality. I will always remember the first time I was with a girl. It has changed me forever; made me realise the beauty of what it is to be with another woman.

I was 16 and she was 15, and we had both been strictly straight up until that point. We had always considered ourselves to be ruled by cock. But then it was almost as if we discovered the beauty of ourselves; the beauty of another woman.

I remember the first time I touched her- really touched her. We were friends in school and one night a regular girls night turned into a steamy, passionate embrace. I bit my lip in anticipation and snuggled closer, taking in her perfume, and the smell of her hair.

I ran my fingers through her long dark hair, and then continued to explore her, running my fingers down the nape of her neck, caressing her breasts. By the time my fingers reached her now drippy pussy, I was so wet myself that I could think of nothing more suitable than to relieve both of us of our desires.

I slipped off her underwear, noticing that mine were already at my ankles. The exhileration hit me, and at that moment I lowered her onto the couch and, for the first time, tasted her. I remember how sweet it was. How wet and sweet and tasty it was.

I went crazy. We both did. We spent the night and next day rolling around on each other, licking and grinding and kissing. It was amazing. It was so eye opening and passionate. So unlike anything I'd ever experienced. I wasn't used to touching something so soft and supple. We both came too. Many times. It seemed so easy to do, because it was both like we knew what the other one needed- being of the same sex.

It didn't take long for the experience to become a regular event. We used to play with each other most weekends after that first time, and began to venture out in finding other girls who enjoyed the same thing.

Looking back, I know that it is what has determined my current sexuality. I'm a massive lover of cock, don't get me wrong. I can't go past a nice hard cock in my pussy. But there will always be something about women that drives me crazy. Something about that first time and how it let me discover my true sexual self. I won't ever forget it.  
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