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Submitted Sex Secret #287

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I have a few naughty secrets but will share the girl on girl and boy this time. It was a cold boring night and my b/f and an acquaintance were sitting in our flat having a few drinks and indulging in other relaxants! Just chatting and watching TV, there was some weird movie on that was rather erotic, it made me really uncomfortable because it was making me really wet and horny I mean really horny!! I just wanted a cock in me asap!! our acquaintance excused herself to visit the bathroom during this time my b/f threw me onto the bed and was rubbing my clit, within a couple of mins we were in bed with our pants off fucking each other wildly, in the heat of the moment I did not realise that our acquantance had jumped into bed with us and was rubbing her clit and fingering herself like there was no tomorrow. This sent my bf out of his mind, he grabbed one of her hands to play with my clit while I was on top of him fucking his rock hard cock like there was no tomorrow. Initially I was freaked out as I was only 17 and had never had more than one in bed at a time!! my bf was a deviate and was determined to make the best of a fan-fucking-tastic situation, so he told our new best friend to sit on his face while i kept riding him, while this was happening she & I started kissing and playing with each others tits. bf wanted to watch girly 69, at this stage I freaked out as it was too much for a sweet girl like myself to bear so I got up got dressed and headed to 7eleven to quash the munchies, leaving the two of them to their own devices..........  
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