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Submitted Sex Secret #232

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It was new years eve 1999 and a group of friends(with their partners) had booked suites at a beach side resort where the new year is king. I was a single man so decided not to spend the $600 on a room for the night, which I soon regretted. Unknown to me, an auburn haired stranger was lurking in the shadows. Maybe my friends felt sorry for me? Maybe her? Fate, who cares, all i know is that i spotted her across a sea of faces and there was no-one else that I wanted to share a tin of beans with when the doom struck at midnight! Obviously the feeling was mutual as we worked the room as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, as much as buddies were keen to see me enjoy their surprise, they also took joy in seeing me suffer as I pleaded and offered ridiculous bribes in order for thier room keys! The night went on and I could not find a a taxi that didn't involve a 3 hour wait and absolute mood killer. We eventually found some space on a spacious balcony where I started to discovered how lucky I was that night until the dozen college boys on the adjoing balcony decided to come out for a smoke. It was over, midnight had long passed and the world had not grind to a halt. We strolled along the beach to find more police than teenage revellers and decided the night was not ours afterall. As we climbed the elevator to thank our friends for fuck all we noticed the pool light flashing on the 22nd floor, was there still hope? I was over privacy, when the door opened I swiftly scanned the room to see 30 or so drunks, a few starry eyed couples and a ring of security guards. My princess was clever enough to don a bikini underneath her sexy outfit and was diving in before I had finished perusing the room and working out where the next beer was coming from. She had a look in her eye that made no mistake so I dropped my shorts to reveal my satin "MUTLEY" boxers which I quickly realised as a bad idea for a night that many was considered the end of the world! Someone didn't care and had a hold of my cock before I'd broken the surface. I slid her pants aside and got her ready for an inevitable invasion. My princess had just turned into a tiger, mounting me like a golden slipper favourite she jumped around like jaws was snapping at her heals. I briefly looked around, hoping that no-one had noticed our antics. To my relief most of my fellow bathers had been drinking as much as I had and were not as cluey as I'd expected, we splashed around for about 15 minutes until the lights got a little brighter. It was closing time for the pool and was tapped on the shoulder by one of the many security guards. I tried to explain that I needed a couple of minutes before I could exit the pool but seeing my goddess parade up the steps and dry herself cheekily was really not helping. That was enough, I was thrown out through a side door and the night was over, we hadn't even exchanged numbers! I saw her again 6 months later and just smiled across the room. We, eventually, had our night!  
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