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Submitted Sex Secret #227

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Me and my boyfriend were at his friends get together of about 30 people. it was a good night with lots of music and dancing and playing... it all started when we were sitting around a table playing the drinking game circle of death and i was sittin on my mans lap... when i felt some fingers start to slowl rub my pussy through my undies under my dress... i turned and looked at him and he smirked at me and i gave him a deep passionate kiss, of course to the disgust of his friends hehe... later that night i "had to go to the toilet" where my boyfriend followed and i blew him in the toilet.. it was sooo good i love the rush and feeling that we could be caught... later that night when the party was wrapping up the host asked us and a couple of mates to stay the night and gave me and my boy his bed... there where about 5 people in the same room as us with us on the bed we fucked passionately all night with none of the others the wiser... we just hope he changed those rugs...  
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Posted: Apr, 08 2019
Once happened to wife and i at a basketball tournament after in a room with two other couples hearing one couple start fucking slowly but could hear how wet she was so i started to finger my wife finding her the wettest i have felt her working three fingers deep in her as she buried her face in the pillow to cover her moans she started stroking my cock hard and fast then she backed up hard too me then i noticed she had pulled her pants down at the back then lined my cock up to her pussie pushing it all the way in then i started to slide in and out as her pussie was grabbing my cock giving her the first orgasm now the other couple that we could just see were also at it seeing her legs go over his belly with the sheets been ruffled now everyone was fucking with no talking only squelching sounds from wet pussies and the aroma of sex over one hour passed before i cum two hours went by before everything stopped it was the most intense sex we ever had talking i asked her be great to swap ?

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