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One night in Pai

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The hot night air saw us sharing a shower by candle light
There are some people you meet and instantly get a very distinct feeling that you'll soon be getting to know each other very intimately. I was lucky enough to meet such a woman on my last trip over seas. A fellow back packer, I spotted her dawdling through the communal garden surrounding the small rustic chalets we were staying in. Her green eyes and lightly freckled pale skin drew me in in a second and we enjoyed a casual but engaging conversation for the better part of a half hour. Having already made plans with some other travelers I said my good bye and suggested we grab dinner that night. As any traveler knows, plans are subject to change, and I did not return till 11:30 PM; hoping (but not expecting) that she'd still be around. Luck was on my side, I spotted her sitting and watching a fire twirler, the dancing fire light enhancing her beauty. It didn't take us long to find ourselves in a private setting. The hot night air saw us sharing a shower by candle light, taking turns exploring each other with fingers, lips and tongues. As our foreplay grew more heated we were drawn to the bed, too worked up to dry off, we collapsed in a gleaming tangle of limbs and bodies. There was an odd familiarity between us, nothing reserved, our sex was like that of a long time lovers. She took the top position, I remember two distinct things her incredible shapely breasts and thinking that our "private setting" had very thin walls. She's now another world away, but I still spare a thought for her when cooking alone.  
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