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Never know whats 'round the corner..

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they noticed me but did not change their rhythm...
It was late on a friday afternoon, everything was done for the day and only one customers car left to be collected, all the other guys had left early and now the manager wanted an early mark too..

Cool mate, head off, I will settle the end of day..

Wasn't long before the last customer was here to collect her car. She was a gorgeous platinum blonde and wearing that short spandex dress she looked amazing, she had curves.. maybe she could have been a plus sized model if she wanted with that playful personality.. We exchanged some small talk while finalising the bill and she noticed a skate magazine on the counter i was reading while i waited for her so she mentioned "oh, you skate..? I bet you could show me some moves..?"

"of course, and after i could possibly take you out and show you some skating..."

With that she smiled, and left.. Leaving her guess sunnies in their case on the counter, i opened the case, and saw the label inside "if lost call:x321x51x41." Cool, will do tomorrow as there is still a chance to get away early for the day..

I rushed home eager to let my wife know what had just happened but by the time i rounded the last turn, saw a mates car in our driveway.. damn it.

I was so sure of a quickie when i got home.. ohwell.. I went inside and could not see him anywhere so went to find my wife, i found her.. Facing the door with my mate behind her.. both barely moving, they noticed me but did not change their rhythm and i could just make out their soft but constant moans.. After a moment i saw they both tensed up, she arched her back and pushed her butt back to him and he pushed his hips hard against her, she shuddered a little, paused and shuddered again.. "wow" thats nice she came like that.. I thought too soon, she hadn't stopped, just paused, and this went on four more times over the next 25 seconds until finally they both moaned so loud i swear the neighbours would have heard.. I jumped into bed with them, and i have to say did not last long at all after the afternoons events leading up to this moment.. minutes.. Tomorrow i will make the call for the nice young lady to collect her glasses..  
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