Just like a love story

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I couldn't move from excitement, I wanted him, I was so wet and he was so ready to take me
We met on line, chatted then phoned each other. It took as 3 days for us to make plans to meet interstate for a long weekend filled with hot steamy sex. We counted down the days, hours and minutes till we both flew out to meet in Melbourne. We both had families so we both made up stories where we were going. I was spending a shopping weekend in Melbourne, well it was a little white lie.
Our planes landed 10 minutes apart from each other, we had talked on the phone for hours planning every detail down to what we would be wearing and what we were going to do.
I was waiting at gate 24 looking at my phone waiting for his call, I was dressed in corporate black suite, black stockings, white blouse undone just enough to show my sexy bra and glasses. I looked up and there coming out of the opposite gate came this tall sexy man in jeans and white shirt. I looked up and oureyes locked and that was the moment we had been waiting for, it was sexy, sensual, passionate and just out of a movie scene. He walk over and said "Hey", I melted into his arms and kissed him passionately. It was the longest 20 minute taxi drive ever. We sat in the back seat making out all the way to the hotel, poor taxi driver didn't know where to look. We hurried up to our room, he opened the room and closed the door behind me. He pushed me up against the way and started feeling my body, kissing me, teasing me, wanting me. He slowly took my jacket off and undressed me in the hall way pressing my body up against the way, I couldn't move from excitement, I wanted him, I was so wet and he was so ready to take me. He slowly undressed me one piece at a time leaving a trail of clothing down the hallway to the bedroom. We made hot steamy love for the hole 3 days in Melbourne, we only stopped to drink and eat. That was 12 months ago and we are still together and are hotter and hornier than before. The only thing we would have done different was to book the hotel at the airport as just think, we would have met as strangers and within minutes we would have been fuking each others brains out. A memory embedded into our minds forever. Funny side was I had to explain back home how I went shopping in Melbourne for 3 days and came home empty handed LOL
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