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It's aBoUTT time! ;) My anal virginity, my last innocence finally set butt-fuck-free <3

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Dirty films and a cam on me, make me competitive, and awaken my inner porn star.
His cock still inside my exquisitely filled pussy we were lust at first fuck. Thrilled with his viagra'd cock in my skilful grip and sliding his perfection down the back of my experienced possessive throat until I gag and gag only stopping when I'm desperate for air, his deliciously smooth cock dripping in saliva. Never breaking our connection I bat my long eyelashes at him porn star style-I know how much it makes him melt. His dangerously addictive dick now wet as my tidy pink pussy, he's ready. Ready and so aroused with lust and possession it’s unbearable. Dominant and strong he grabs me and flips me. Before I can wipe my cock-greedy lips I'm screaming out. One slam and I've already racked up another mind-melter. We lay gazing at each other panting, admiring. He runs a tantalizing finger down my spine tracing circles on the tingling flesh of my rear. He travels to his uncharted trophy. It puckers at his touch. It’s a new sensation. Considerate of my inexperience he used one hand to masterfully distract my attention to my clit. My pussy drips onto my thigh and I gasp "Oh god Baby, I’m ALL yours! Do it!! First the cool lube, then a gentle exploring finger. Then his cock. It was uncomfortable, but it got better as he caressed me and tugged my hair warning me still. I accept him whole, slowly stretching. He starts to move. Sliding his slippery dick in and out still rubbing my greedy pussy. Starting slow, shallow. Then long and deep. Once comfortable I’m proud to have the last of my innocence taken from me, from him. I waited for his slow rhythmic retreat. As he begins his teasing entrance I jolt my hips back slamming onto him. Approving of my enthusiasm his everlasting erection grew larger. Ouch! I learn quickly the more I pushed back, the harder we fuck in sync, WOW. Both so impressed with my submission and reception we whipped out the camcorder. Re-enacting naughty and oh-so-satisfying ass-fucking positions performed by the porn stars on the flat screen in the background (no sound of course. I had that covered). Dirty films and a cam on me, make me competitive, and awaken my inner porn star. Unlike my ever hungry pussy, firm breasts, or soft juicy cock-sucking lips, I always assumed ass-fuckery would hurt, not become a regular craving. I spend hours thanking him with licks, sucks, pumping and squeezing his rock-cock locking my blue doll eyes on his intensely sexy and appreciative gaze. I’ve never had an orgasm like that. Phenomenal. Holy fuck! I can die happy now. How long before we can do it again? Please!? Reward time. My greed for his delicious cum, my well-earned dessert, is satisfied, shooting hot spunk all over my full breasts. I look into his eyes and slowly collect and lick up my sweet prize-one slow swipe of my finger at a time. He slowly wanks his throbbing and, at last, relaxing cock enjoying the glory and bliss of his orgasm's aftershocks.
Hope you've enjoyed. Panties damp and jeans tight. I'm off for round two!  
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