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Im the guy when people see me with a hot chick they ask what has he got that I don't, because it's not looks.

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The sex was amazing, her pussy tasted so good...
I met this absolute stunner at my mates house on Xmas Day when I was in Qld on holidays.
We ended up in bed that night (most likely because of the booze and I was the only single guy there), but to my surprise and it turns out later to her's I turned her down. No-one believed that I said "No" to this stunner but she confirmed it to my mate later. When my mate asked me why I said I my plan was to nail her before I left to go back to WA for work. I invited her out to dinner and she agreed and after she invited me to her place for a drink when I dropped her off. I told her I couldn't because I had plans early the next morning and so we agreed to meet up at a mutual friend's birthday party 2 days before I left.

The night of the party came and I picked her up on the way. Wow she had dressed to impress (clothes, high heels and make-up Jen Hawkins eat your heart out). After the party they all headed out to the clubs and I went to drop my mate at home thinking that any chance I had surely lost and what an idiot I was for not fucking her Xmas night. I walked into the club later and saw her talking to 3 guys. To my surprise and I'm dead set sure to everyone else's as soon as she saw me she came up grabbed me and kissed me. We stayed at the club a few hours then I had to head off home. I said my goodbye's but she was not around so I left. On my way to the car I get a phone call from her asking me where I was. When I told her I was on my way home she said I thought you were taking me home tonight. I drove back picked her up and went back to her place. The sex was amazing, her pussy tasted so good and was nice and tight and wet and she gave me one of the better bj's I have had while I was leaning on the balcony having a cig. Later when we were lying there I asked her at what point she had decided to fuck me and her answer was " Xmas night you turned me down, the night we went to dinner you turned me down. No guy has ever turned me down once let alone twice, so it was not a question of whether I was going to fuck you, just a matter of when."

My mates now think she is stuck up, and maybe she is, all I know is that I have been home 3 times since Xmas and each time she has taken me out to dinner then taken me home afterwards and each time I still get looked at my other people wondering what a stunner is doing with me haha.  
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