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Groupie Sex gone wild

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him leading me into a multi climax and them whispered if I would like to enjoy some girly fun while they all watched
I went to c a live band for my 2nd time in a small country town in Northern Victoria, I was up the front screeming like most young girls do, just to touch them made me soooo wet it wasn't funny, To cut a long sory short a few of us were asked back to there motel room after the concert, my boy friend at the time wasn't interested in going and told me it was over if I went......well I went and what a gr8 night it was, one I still remember as tho it was yesterday. We started with light chat and a drink or two and slowly went into the adjacent room one by one....... even tho I was not very experianced, everything fell into place and I enjoyed the sex I had with the guitarist, him leading me into a multy climax and them wispered if I would like to enjoy some girly fun while they all watched....... well I agreed to give it a go and 3 out of the 10 girls also agreed, we were close friends anyway...... and we had the most emazing time together while we licked, fingered, sucking and fucked each other silly....... OH WHAT A FEEELING :-) once we had all cum and no daught the gang was happy with our performance we all fucked and changed partners till the sun came up. And of course they left that morning and we were left with a gr8 experiance and we ended up taking our experiance further getting together for some girly fun every now and again. The following Monday we were at school giggling like silly school girls about our experiance! Needless to say I still play their music and bring back all these wounderfull memories.
I still luv my girly fun today at the age of 45yrs and often wounder if the other girls have used there experiance in the same way as I have.  
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