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Do all men have belly button fluff.

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it lead to both guys then competing to whom was the better kisser
This happened a long long time ago, and no, lve not told anyone until now, It was kinda embarrasing but sexy too. It was on a friday night after work, all the staff would get shouted by the bosses, some drinks and takeaway would be bought in. The week at work would be discussed and the usual laughter and anecdotes would ensue, then discussion would occur to see if we could all agree on a solution to successfully counteract any negative scenarios, if they should arise in the future.

It was kind of like brain storming but conducted more in a jovial manner but is the case, egoes come into play and get off side when there point severely opposes more dominant personalities. The night disintergrated quickly and staff dispersed, leaving only a few of us more senior staff to clear away the mess and more than often most of these jobs fell on me as usual, being the sucker that usually did it without complaining.

Anyway at the end of the night after cleanup and probably after enbibing more than l should have, my two bosses insisted on taking me home for coffee.

I remember having a hilarious conversation about all the men l dated having belly button fluff and asked them to prove that they didnt after howls of denial ensued.

Well as you can imagine what happened when they werent forthcoming in their efforts to show me, l started undressing them both to find out. Much laughter ensued and it was agreed if they had fluff, they had to kiss me. They hesitated but as we had all been slighty intoxicated, l think both guys thought they wouldnt have to get to the kissing bit but they were both wrong. LOL

What happened next was very funny, it lead to both guys then competing to whom was the better kisser and subsequently led to whom would make the better lover. Now thats another secret for another time, but suffice to say, it was one of my most memorable Friday nights ever. It was never repeated, one guy wouldnt look at me for weeks afterwards as he would go so red in the face and the other use to wink and say to me as he passed in the hallway, No fluff, wanna check?

My advice to woman if you have the chance to experience two guys with you, make sure they are both on the same page as you!
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Posted: Jul, 25 2017
Very cute story! And yes MR always has belt button fluff!!! Mystery of the universe...

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