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Cumming of age

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'We then spent the next couple of hours completely naked'
Okay, someone has to kick this off, so let me. I'm not an erotic writer, sorry!

A long time ago now, I had a girlfriend a few years younger than me. She was still in highschool, and I was in Uni. On the day of her 16th birthday, for her birthday present, I collected her from school about lunchtime (schools were a lot slacker about tracking things in those days) and we drove down to the beach. I had a picnic rug handy - as I'm sure you all appreciate, sand gets everywhere and it chafes something horrid so some kind of mat was required. We took the picnic rug and found a nice secluded spot in the sand dunes amongst the bushes.

We then spent the next couple of hours completely naked, celebrating the fact that we could now legally do what we were doing in a variety of different ways. We ended up very sore, and very very sunburnt practically EVERYWHERE. I don't think I was actually burnt on the old fella, because he spent most of his time inside, but I definitely was burnt pretty much everywhere else. She was pretty much the same... When I say we did it a variety of different ways, I mean it.

Neither of us were able to sit down comfortably for a good week afterwards (sitting on freshly sunburnt back and arse is not pleasant).

I'm pretty sure her parents must have had a damn good idea what had happened when we rocked up so burnt and wouldn't sit down. We disappeared to her bedroom where we proceeded to lather each other all over with moisturiser - but we were too burnt to feel like continuing the action!

She was an interesting young lady. I've never felt inclined to fantasize about women in school uniforms after that, because the real thing would be hard to beat! There was also the time where we got caught at it naked in the back of my station wagon, but that's a story for another time...

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