Blind folded in a hotel room

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hree men were waiting downstairs. I was blindfolded and led into the bathroom...
My fwb and I have been seeing each other for a while now and are both interested in pleasing one another. On this occasion, he hired a hotel room for day use and told me to get there early. I arrived and we immediately disrobed and he took me nice and hard on the bed. Once we were finished he reminded me he had a little surprise in store for me. Three men were waiting downstairs. I was blindfolded and led into the bathroom, and then I heard the door close.

When it reopened I heard more voices in the room, and was led out to the bed. I lay down and felt the extra pressure on the bed as the others joined me, then I felt a mouth on my wet pussy and a nice warm cock on my lips. I took it in and reached out for the spare, which I started stroking with my hand.

The three men took turns pleasuring me for the next hour, two of them coming twice while the other one outlasted both and gave me a very nice seeing to when all was said and done. All the while I was blindfolded and my fwb filmed the occasion. When all 3 guys were finished they departed and my blindfold was removed. I showered up and played with my fwb til it was time to return home.

I'm catching up with him tomorrow and I'm looking forward to what he has in store for me this time. The question is: Do I want to watch the video and see who took me on the pleasure ride or leave the mystery intact?  
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Posted: May, 25 2019
Love to cum along with you to the next one ...
Posted: May, 04 2018
Did you watch it?
Posted: Apr, 23 2018
What a sexy way to play. Watch it before you do it again on the same day you are going to do it
Posted: Apr, 20 2018
Keep it a surprise and let your imagination run as sometimes the realty is not as good as fantasy but that does sound good lol
Posted: Apr, 19 2018
Hot! Definitely watch it with ur fwb. Should make for great inspiration for you two!

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