Biting Blues

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I did nibble carefully. But no - he wanted a full on bite! And dutifully I did that too! And I mean
Just recently, I met up with this guy who I am sure had some form of hyperactivity. We started out in a typical 69er - he was very energetically into licking my pussy and I was sucking his cock which was OK in itself. Then he asked me to bite his cock and, after making sure I had heard right, I did nibble carefully. But no - he wanted a full on bite! And dutifully I did that too! And I mean a full on, teeth clenching bite! Still he wanted it harder! However, I started to get worried that I might inadvertently perform a Bobbit and declined. Since then, I have asked around but have found no other male that shares this fetish. In fact, it is somewhat amusing to see the fleeting looks of pain when I ask them to consider the question. Am I living a sheltered life or is this rare? The root itself never happened because he needed the biting to proceed and I couldn't bypass the OSH risk of injury aspect.  
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Posted: May, 16 2012
TBH, i love my cock being nibbled or bitten a bit while receiving head, alot of my mates have the same reaction though, they squerm and think it would b painful, but i don't mind a bit of pain down there, just nothing strong enough to send it packing in the other direction. It's a fine line between pleasure and pain. There's something erotic about having the teeth just knaw on the head of the cock and grinding back and forth. but biting to the point of where u think u could break through, thats a bit too far.

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