A different kind of Hockey Game...

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I ripped my clothes off and stepped under the warm water with him, his hands were all over my body..
A very good friend of mine plays hockey and i like to go and watch him play sometimes. There has always been a bit of sexual tension between us but as yet nothing had ever come of it.

His teem won that night so was thrilled and wanting to celebrate and i wanted to help him....

He was the last in the change rooms after the game and i decided to go in and see what was taking him so long. He was still in the shower and i stod for a while just watcing the water run off his amazing body...I had never been more turned on in my life. Then he turned around an saw me standing there i was so embarased to have been caught watching him, but he just smiled at me and asked if i wanted to join him, and how could i resist that body??

I ripped my clothes off and stepped under the warm water with him, his hands were all over my body and inside my pussy in seconds and i couldnt keep mine off him either.
His cock felt hugh and was so hard, i wanted him inside of me so badly. I was so wet and he knew it. He lifted me up against the shower wall and onto his throbbing cock. I had been waiting for this moment for so long. He made me cum so hard it was mindblowing... and it wasnt long before he came too. Needless to say it was lucky we were still in the shower as we needed another after that hot and sweety sex!

Has been a few weeks now since ive seen him, but he's playing hockey again on Friday night..........  
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