Polyamory dating in Melton South, Victoria, Australia

Are you looking for Polyamory dating in Melton South? We are one of the largest Polyamory dating sites in Melbourne.

Here are some locals looking for Polyamory dating in Australia, Melton South

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We are a couple that are wanting to explore as F is curious sexually and wants to experience something a little different! (F running profile)

I am currently adjusting to the Australian lifestyle and change of scenery 😁 waiting for my partner to arrive from NZL to join in on the fun .... but for now looking to fill the void and maybe when she comes by then we will have q better understanding...

Just after casual on going FWB I enjoy pleasing my partner and won't stop until I'm asked to. I'm of average looks, but overall I'm a great package! Cars, bikes, anything that makes a lot of noise and goes fast basically.

Just an open minded guy looking for new experiences and friends. Prefer communication and connection to be coupled with my fun. Looking for respectful and like-minded people for regular meet-ups who also have a very high sex drive and are interested...