Hot wife in Hartley, South Australia, Australia

Are you looking for Hot wife in Hartley? We are one of the largest Hot wife sites in Adelaide.

Here are some locals looking for Hot wife in Australia, Hartley

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Couple looking for men yo please the woman. All play is with man present or pleasing her also. She simply likes sex. No hassles, respectful towards her at all times, if you please her, she may request you again. Her natural nature is to please.

Him - broad, dark hair, light eyes and English 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 very, very giving and knows all of the right spots! Shy to begin with but comes out of his shell perfectly when comfortable 🔥 Her...

Hi. We are a couple looking to take the plunge into swinging or threesomes. Male is straight and female is bi-curious. It is something we have talked about for a long time and we are ready to do it. We are looking for an understanding couple or Fem...

We are an attratctive couple who enjoy make friends and have a good time with others people . You will not regreat for met us.

Hes a lot older than her and they met at a swingers party. Hes very experienced at swinging, shes getting there. hes kinky as hell and she is being corrupted as time goes on. we are both well mannered, clean, and very approachable. We are polyamorous...