


When The Mind Wanders 2

April 10 2023

Have someone ever walked past you , looked you in the eyes & wish you had of asked them to fuck you right then & there?


This happened to me today, I was laying stomach down on the beach with a small bikini on listening to the waves..

There were tonnes of people around but that didn't stop my mind from wandering....


I see this guy walk by & look me in the eyes & gives a little smile, he sets up his towel not far from mine & starts very obviously staring at me & I know he's checking out my ass... I start to think about how nice it would be if he just came over, pushed my head into the sand, pulled my bikini across & slid his fingers inside of me.. or if he skipped that & put his cock straight inside of me...


I made a deal with my mind & said to myself that if he goes into that water then I'm chasing him down!


My towel is absolutely soaked at this stage, thinking about all the things he could do to me & how many people could be watching or even joining in...


Unfortunately for me it's just another one of those 'when my mind wanders' days & I'm left hornier then ever & hoping that eventually some random will follow through with exactly what they know I want .


Hoping everyone has had a great long weekend, maybe I might see you on the beach sometime 😜


  • Gcguy4213

    02 May 2023

    Nice, you made me hard

  • Swmagn

    29 Apr 2023

    That's a hot story, me every time I'm at the beach with the roles reversed!

  • Nhsc72031

    10 Apr 2023

    Great story, sorry to hear it didn't eventuate as you'd hoped. Curious as to why didn't you make a move yourself? Easier said than done of course but I dare say he was hoping you would've chased him down. Let me know your thoughts, N.