



June 04 2021


Let me hold you close. Your leg over my hip. My thigh nesting between yours.

You tremble as the waves continue to roll through you. You have done so well. Good girl

And now it is time for me to ground you. To guide you back down to earth.

You are swollen, wet, exhausted - draw from my strength as my energy flows into you with every beat of your heart which I feel through our touching chests

My hand pulls you close as I rub the small of your back. Belly to belly we lay, silent except for our breathing. I softly kiss your cheek and stroke your hair in such contrast to our intense connection just minutes beforehand.

Breathe. Feel the warmth, the connection. Become whole once again and rest. Drift into slumber as I drift into you


  • SadisticWings

    09 Jun 2021

    I think you have to be D/s or M/s to really appreciate this writing. Love it!!