


The distant echo of darkness

March 20 2024

Her eyes flickered across from mine, down to the small oval coffee table by my knees.. breaking my stare so she could see the handwritten note weighed down by a heavy, dull grey shackle, the sort of shackle that is more at home connected to a tractor or trailer.. why was it there?


Her eyes met mine again as my fingers gently brushed her blonde hair from her beautiful face.. as delicately as I could I secured the gag ball into her mouth. Kissing the side of her face so softly and reassuring her that she was safe, her shoulders moved as her wrists became accustomed to their bindings. Dressed only in the scantiest drawings of blue satin and lace her incredible body moved with her deepening breath... trying to remain calm as it became apparent what was being laid out in front of her... items of wicked intent, items known full well to her experiences, items that were laid out next to that shackle... what was that for? We had never used something so...industrial and something so distant from an obvious use...


Her eyes froze again on that shackle.. surrounded by familiar yet painful items... what was its use? Her eyes filled with emotions as she looked back at me. Fear, anticipation, lust... a sense of urgency to know that she was safe... chilling thoughts of what was to come... Her beautiful green eyes slowly lost their purpose as the latex blindfold blocked all sight.. Unable to speak, unable to see, unable to move her wrists which were secured behind her back... surely the soft cool air from the Air Conditioner must have felt like an antarctic blizzard... goosebumps shot across her skin... fear or temperature? maybe both? All that was left to her was sound...


Her eyes now shielded from my actions now would have been darting madly through the enforced darkness of her blackout blindfold. Her ears now were all that could communicate what was to follow... the thought of that shackle must have raced wildly through a deepening confusion.. I ever so lightly bit her ear as I playfully do in any normal day but this was different.. her body twisted slightly into mine and confusion was parted from her mind for a brief moment and a lustful moan came from her gagged mouth... such a terrible young lady..


Her ears would have heard me step slowly from her, she would have heard the slow metallic clinks of the golden chain, certainly she heard the sound of the clip snap shut on her collar and the weight of that chain now would have been apparent, dangling as it was from her collared neck, dangling against her blue lingerie and tanned skin... so beautiful.


Those sounds of my footsteps around her, the sound of familiar items being picked up and placed into a small bag, the sound of my breath next to her ears, the sound of me softly whispering to her that she was safe, that I love her, that I would never hurt her, however tonight she will feel pain... Those sounds of familiar and uncertain thoughts... slowly but surely were replaced with that sound of a heavy piece of metal being unscrewed.. that sound of my voice explaining that the shackle is here in my hand, next to her body... that sound... those sounds... those light noises... suddenly gone. silence.






Darkness. Silent Darkness...


The echo of her heartbeat... nothing else.


Noise cancelling headphones upon her ears, ostensibly for mowing and other yard work, now were her gateway into a darkness that she could not imagine... the steady pull of that golden chain.. the tightening of the black leather collar against her neck... I beckoned her forward without words, without gesture, without holding her body... slowly her feet responded and forward into that warm night she walked.. walked VERY slowly... her slow walk of timid and uncertain steps... the only sense left was that of touch now that speech, sight and sound were rendered to her abyss of lustful subspace.. her feet slowly would have felt the change from polished wooden floorboards to the rougher surface of a wooden deck... the change in temperature would have coursed through her thoughts, clearly I had taken her outside but where were we going?


As I backed slowly across the deck, keeping a close eye on her to make sure that she didn't stumble and fall she paused. This pause seemed certain. Her feet ddi not continue their slow shuffled advance.. Her pretty face, obscured by gag ball, blackout blindfold and noise cancelling headphones turned to the left as if she had heard someone or something... she returned to looking straight ahead into her own darkness and then slowly but with certainty nodded 3 times... thank god for blue tooth! Her ears filled with the voice of instruction, the voice of calm reassurance, the voice of revelation as to what was about to transpire... my voice was all she could hear... my voice from the afternoon recording... again her feet started their slow shuffle towards what must have now seemed to be slightly unnerving...


Across the wooden deck, onto the grass, slowly moving to the smoothness of the concrete driveway... she had only visited a few times... which direction was I taking her?? there are sheds, a main house, a cottage from which she had just been lead, paddocks of grass... the uncertainty must have been overwhelming her confused and isolated thoughts.. those words filling her mind with anticipation and dread of her impending domination... concrete gave way to large granite tiles, not polished but slightly rough... only her feet were informing her of where she was and where she was headed but where were these tiles?? could she fathom a memory of the exterior of the house?? Was this the exterior or had we moved into a shed? Confusion held steady by my hand on her chain.. slowly I walked her further... again she stopped and nodded. excellent.. I had paced out the distance that afternoon and made sure that there was at least 6 minutes of speech to fill the void of her senses.. 3 minutes to go and we were on time.


As I brought her to a stop, I knew that she would still be listening to my voice and would have realised that it was a recording. I unbound her wrists. I affixed her right foot to a supportive post and the other to the concrete topped wrought iron table that was part of my outdoor kitchen and pool area. It had taken 6 minutes to walk about 70 metres.. her right hand was now bound to a rope above her, her left shoulder (which has an old sporting injury) was delicately attached to her collar so as not to hurt her. The headphones were removed. I whispered that she was ok, that she was mine, that I would never hurt her and that her body was simply incredible to behold.. sound must have been such a shock to her... new sounds greeted her now bound destination.. a cordless drill, the clanking of heavy chains, the snap of god only knows what... her head flicked from side to side.. fear, anticipation, confusion... the sounds that now made no sense... the sounds of her breathing accelerating, that sound of anxious terror of total confusion... that sound of something rushing through the air...



that unmistakable sound of a cane striking bare flesh. Her body rippled in delight... such a naughty lady.. Silence. Again there was an ushered silence... but not complete silence.. my feet silently stalking her, my movements hidden, my hands slowly pick up that heavy length of chain... I drape it slowly upon her right shoulder so that she can feel the weight of this chain against her skin, not the light golden one attached to her collar... no, this is much more... industrial... much more akin to that shackle... her dawning realisation shook her body to a standstill. I whispered to her that although I will NEVER hurt her, she was about to feel pain. I slowly attached 3 pegs, clothes pegs but with string connecting them. Slowly and painfully she felt them meet her nipples, each one was a delicate exercise in controlled delight.. but that left 1 peg... which I carefully opened and with my other hand spread her very wet labia to reveal her clitoris.. this third peg, tied to the other 2 on her nipples now sunk into the very sensitive flesh of her truly delicious pussy. Her body winced with pleasure and pain. I moved back behind her and whispered into her ear not to move at all or that heavy chain would fall and cause immense pain. The cane fell again against her perfectly rounded bottom, a second welt started to show but true to form her body was unmoved. her stance transfixed with the fear of the excruciating pain that would ensue should the heavy chain be caused to fall from her shoulder. Unbeknownst to my sexual muse.. the heavy chain wasn't actually attached to anything and would have simply slid to the ground... confusion and uncertainty work so well in domination, turning her own thoughts against her heighten her desire in a way that words do not allow to be understood... moving in front of her I then tugged slightly on the string attached to the pegs and her sounds of pain and delight filled the still night air.. standing in front of her, I let go of the string... I moved slightly away... Silence. The still of the night, the uncertainty of location, the stinging pain from the pegs, the silence... that haunting silence. seconds become eternity... time stops in those silent moments... pain is the least of the tools of domination.


Silence, stillness and timing.. those haunting and chilling apparatus of the mental side of domination are the playground of terror. They allow subspace to exist beyond the restraints of minutes or days or weeks...


Those 2 hours that followed were a descent into the darkness that echoes between our souls...






Pure Eroticism.


a rebirth into ecstasy.... her body is so perfect to have and to hold. The taste of her fear and delight trickled across my lips. A world of sublime hedonism made possible only by her existence. The intensity and freedom of the love making that follows..

MY goddess, MY echo of darkness.


  • Fairly_Sane

    24 Mar 2024

    To answer the same question that I’ve received privately about my writing.. yes these are real events and are my memories of how things transpired while Blondie_xHotwife was bound and unable to process much thought due to her being bound in subspace etc…