


Steel and Wren

August 28 2024

He called her little bird, she hated it and him and everything his family stood for.


Thankfully they were able to avoid each others paths, he only came to her family’s estate once a month to discuss cattle with her father a man she also couldn’t stand. On those days she took to the local swimming hole connecting her bear skin to the water’s coolness made her feel alive.


He knew she was wild and couldn’t be tamed like the cattle he gotten so use to branding. One day he would brand her with his own special mark. He smirked to himself. When her father asked him to keep a close eye on her he internally eye rolled but also took delight in this secret mission to keep her safe even if it cost him some inner turmoil. She was harder to track down than a wet snake. Speaking of snake his own snake hadn’t seen much action lately and Wren’s naked body in the lake forced his enlargement to swell in his pants, forcing its way up under his belt. Yes she thought she was alone but he always took this path to ensure he caught the sweet sight of her supple breasts gliding into the water.


He turned away and left her to be, it took strength to walk away and not join her, take her from behind and give her pleasure that would make the mountains crack, but now was not the time, her time would come, many times over. Steel liked to leave them begging.


Emerging from the water freshed and ready to face the day Wren dressed and felt the eyes of someone on her, she paused as the wind tickled her pink nipples, bidding them to rise hard like the crisp air, checking her surroundings, totally alone just the way she liked it, must just be the wallaby’s.


Wren completed her chores quietly singing to herself, she needed hay from then barn, she began carry the bundles out, almost done when he felt the need to help her complete the last run,

“not needed Steel”

“looks like you do from the sweat on your brow Little Bird” he teased her with a knowing smirk.

“Keep your eyes of my brows you dirty barn snake”

“That’s no way for a lady to speak”

“Who said anything about a lady”

they were interrupted by Wrens father

“Steel inside now!”

Thank god for that one more minute and she’d have had him on the floor and who knows what might have happened next, she knew she couldn’t trust her body around Steel.


After some discussion about the farm and next weeks cattle show Steel left the estate. Wren must have made herself scarce, he no longer had time for her attitude or perhaps he was unsure he could keep his extra length from extending itself, he had to work on controlling himself around her, what was this hold she had on him, nothing had ever happened or would happen his father and hers wouldn’t allow it which of course only made it hotter. He needed a distraction time to rustle up some of the crew and head into town, take the edge of with a few rounds at the local tavern not his usual scene but he needed to clear his mind and shift focus from a certain untenable little bird.


Wren was done for the day ready for a hot bath and a steamy romance book. Time to escape reality for a little while and wash off the dust and icky feelings from having to speak with Steel, that man took up way too much space in her mind today. He was an enigma she did not care for but also felt compelled to solve. Would she detest him so much if he didn’t come from that family? Or if he didn’t work with her father? Why did she care? She hated when he got under her skin, maybe she needed more than a bath and a book to escape. Stacey had texted her earlier about a party in the shrubs, she knew it would be over before she could get a decent buzz on but maybe it was just what her mind needed a distraction from the farm, her father and that annoying barn buddy Steel. Fuck it she stopped the bath, threw on her skimpiest dress and less scruffy boots and headed over to Stacey place to get boozy before the party.


Cut to a few hours later and Wren was well wasted and no idea where she was the perfect solution to the Steel problem. Was he a problem she wasn’t sure anymore she knew this music was loud and her thoughts were not. Fucking ace.

Fucking cops.

Worse live stock agents. Probably from her father’s district. That meant Steel was lurking close by.


Double fuck.


If she got caught her Dad would most certainly make her pay for it endangering the family name or what ever the man was always preaching about loyalty something Steel apparently had in folds.

His skin would definitely fold nicely against her.

Wtf was that.

Run you stupid fool.


Wren ran straight in to something or someone hard. She looked down and recognised his boots. Just great. He’s going make her pay for this. She groaned.

“You, always in my way”


She’d pay for that smart mouth one day how he longed to fill it with himself and hold it shut with his hands.


He knew where she was. He always knew. Part of the job. And tonight she was pushing limits. Too many limits she’d be passed out soon. He picked her up as she kicked him in the side and bundled her into his ute. He took the back roads back to her farm and she snored kinda sweet when she wasn’t back talking. What was she wearing, he was definitely burning that outfit. She started to stir as they approached her families farm, she woke suddenly threw open the door and vomited and quickly exited and ran to her quarters on the farm. How he longed to be inside her bed but not tonight he’d saved her and knew that would come in handy later. He drove himself home reflecting on the day, where it started and where it ended, how would he tame this woman, make her his, could he do it, was she more then just an obsession that wouldn’t let him quit. He stroked his tight pants and thought of her errect nipples this morning and how he wanted to taste her, feast on her till there was nothing left, pulling himself off was becoming a habit after any interaction with Wren, did she know she was having this effect on him. His bulge was growing thankfully home and a quick release were around the corner.


Wren awoke with a filthy hangover. Chores would be a punish today, at least she would be able to complete them in peace and let herself have a small sleep in, Dad and the family were away for the weekend at the big cattle show, Steel was also gone. Sweet dreams. Do chores quick and back to bed. But wren needed some motivation to stir, she felt her hands slide over her pert nipples and down to her already wetness spreading on to her thighs, what was making her so wet she already knew the touch of Steels hands on her in places she wouldn’t allow herself to admit, she bit down on her lip as she slid two fingers into herself then a third, pumping them in and out increasing her pace her breathe quickened and her body bucked in response to her own touch and thoughts of Steel’s lips on hers a forbidden moment of weakness pulsing through her Wren’s climax was big she screamed out in delight making her pleasure know, enjoying this perfect moment of solitude. Sweet bliss, she began to close her eyes taking in her surroundings slowly and noticed the the boots and hats near her corner chair… they belonged to Steel.


Steel had a woken early and gone back to her Farm to check on her before heading to the cattle show. She was still sleeping so he got comfortable in a chair planning on schooling her on lack of safety last night, the sleepless night got the better of him and he fell asleep watching her sleep. He woke to get them coffee in the kitchen he heard her stirring and sounds of enjoyment he watched as she pleasured herself jealous of her wondering hands.


She emerged from her room looking ready to kill him, she went to confront him but changed her track, simply asking him why he was here.

“Just checking on you Madame”

“Don’t call me that. Get out”

He turned to leave and then remembered the boots, she was quick to throw them and slam the door on him. He guessed that safety lesson could wait.


He hit the road to the cattle show Wren’s morning activities flooding his brain and distracting him, he heard the call when he was about an hour away. Major storm warning, he had to go back and rescue her from her damn determination to do things on her own. She truly was a danger to herself. He doubled his speed and arrived just in time to find her almost drowning to save the damn sheep. He grabbed his ropes and pulled up to save her. Again.


Wren and Steel move the animals to safety in the barn, both are soaked through, Steel looks for a spot to lay down and wait out the rain, finding some fresh hay at the back Wren follows him, taking off her shirt and looking so hot all wet like that, she bites her lip, she knows what she does to him and he doesn’t care he can no longer hold back, she is his and he will claim her, fuck what it would cost him he was done biding time and bothering with the concerns of others.


Wren lay down on the hay looking up at him with a whimpering smile that needed to be wiped off her beautiful face.


He holds her face by the chin and focuses her gaze upon him. "Open your mouth" he assertively commands, to which she eagerly obeys his every demand. His saliva drips down into her mouth and she willingly accepts a gift from her man. Throbbing and soaking the panties she's in, she can't wait to feel every inch of him. He brushes his thumb across her lips, reaches down and squeezes her tits.

From a gentle hair pet to a passionate grope, she felt bold in his energy and bound by his rope. She had a strong will and a soft heart, submissive to no one except for him.