


Starting new year in style

January 04 2023

As a young guy (young ✌️) I attended my very first swingers party. It was at a house. I was very nervous and felt heart beat rising as I got close to the house. The couple warmly welcomed me and introduced me to the other couples and singles. First the lady of the house showed me all the bedrooms and toilets. We shook hands and I sat near the organizers.


After couple of hours we exchanged some thoughts about the holiday season and what we did for Christmas ( 💃). The

lady of the organizing committee requested that everyone should dress down and enjoy the time. I did not dress down at first as I was not too sure how it will happen but a nice gentleman spoke with me and we shared some thoughts.


Then came the bedroom time. When I was going to the bedroom sides the fun has already begun. I was a bit stunned but enjoyed the views. After sometime a couple invited me to join them. Once I went close to them the lady started to move hands on my friend and soon it baca me hard and after some time the guy suddenly started joining in and they both took far from Pluto. Then they invited me watch them play and I enjoyed myself before they requested me to join again. I was so close to bring the white team out but wanted enjoy more.


After few minutes of the 2nd time, all my white friends came out and the couple shared them all. 😜😜


After some time we had a nice chat about life (and the stars as well) and then it was almost time to midnight. We busted balloons each minute and celebrated the midnight by clapping ( hands not asses) 😂.


It was my first time kissing so many women at once ( this was when we kiss wishing happy new year)


I was then invited to their next party in a month as well.


Happy new year and have a blast( make sure the blast is on fridays and Saturdays only or your neighbor will blast you)guys . 🎉🙏✌️🎊