


Sense n Sensitivities

November 14 2007

Ok.... hmmmm

i have been a member of RHP for well over a year now and thought it only just to contribute with an actual RHP experience seeing how i have often read and enjoyed stories posted by others.

T'was tha night before christmas....... lol nar not really was actually a hot night back in Sept 2006. i couldnt sleep, so , i did what any normal Aussie guy would do!!!... No not that... lol I flicked the 'ON' button on my laptop and logged onto RHP (of course). After sifting through ALL of my new messages (which actually took a matter of seconds not minutes... lmao) i then decided to venture into the Local chat room. Now this is a place which i generally avoid at all costs, trying to keep up with 14 seperate conversations, saying 'Hi' to all the numerous people whom just joined the room as well as attempting to concetrate on the gorgeous female bodies which are randomly stumbled across on cam. talk about doing my head Anyways, i am thinking 2 o'clock in the morning, how slower could it get. Soo i double clicked on the WA CHAT. There was only about 18-20 people in the room and chat was at a good pace (for the likes of me). Then from outa the blue a fellow Female chatter joined the room. She was obvioulsy a regular attendee as the warm welcome simultanous popped up from the other members (so of course i followed suite). " Hey there _ _ _ _ (without mentioning names lets call her.......ummmmm 'Buffyfriend'), how are you this cold morning"?

To my amazement she gave the majority of chatters a single word answer and then proceeded to type a two line response to me. (not real sure what Buffyfriend said, as i was just amazed and thrilled with the sudden

Anyways, we chatted, we chatted and then we MSN chatted n chatted. next thing i 'BRB' to go get a drink and the time was 6:45am and i was running extremely late for work.... (as usual). i went back to my trusty laptop and broke the news that i had to run. All was good and for one of the few times online i really felt that i had actually 'clicked' with someone. We laughed, we shared stories, we laughed some more. In fact i thoroughly enjoyed tapping at my keyboard for the 4-5 hours that pasted. We laft our conversation with an exchange of mobile numbers and promptly continued our chat via sms not more than an hour later... lol.

We agreed that we would take the plunge and meet each other the following evening (which happened to be a Friday night).. And that it would be up to me to arrange and plan something fitting for the evening. I thought about a nice restaurant...... but nah, everyone does that, besides 'Buffyfriend' did say she was adventurous. I thought about a movie maybe...... but nahh, again to boring. The whole morning i thought and racked my brain on what we should get up to on our first meet. i had only seen a photo of 'Buffyfriend' at this stage, and didnt know if that was a recent one. T'was then that my mind opened and thought a little laterally, thinking the RHP way, the adult

'Buffyfriend' was to ring me during her lunch break to find out where when and how the night was planned. She rang at 12:04 and i probed into her personality further. I asked how adventurous was she really, she responded "well, there's not much i havnt attempted", "Will give anything a go" she sayed. This finalised the night in my mind and i told her that i have the whole night already planned and that i can't disclose until later that afternoon. She was to open up and read her emails at precicely 5:00pm (knowing she finished work at 4pm). There would be email from me stating exactly the instructions for her for the 1st part of the evening. Somewhat excited she agreed.

I typed out the email and had it delivered to her inbox at 5 minutes to 5:00pm. and it read something along the lines of this :

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"""Dear Buffyfriend ,

You mentioned you were adventurous, you said you looved to be challenged, well..... i lay this down for you. A long term fantasy of mine is to be engaging in sex with a complete stranger, and when i say complete i mean without even seeing their face or hearing their voice. Just to human being engaging in a natural occurance between humans, no complications, no hang-ups, no traditions, nothing.

I would like you to come to _ _ _ _ _ _ ( my address ) and park in the driveway at 7:30pm. come to the front door. The whole house will be in darkness with the exception of some candles. One of which will be at the front door. Pick this candle up, push the door open (I will leave unlocked), step inside and close the door behind you. You will then be in a totally strange guys house whom u have never met. Blow out the candle you are holding. You will now see another candle in the distance, walk towards this candle, pick up and blow out to reveal a further candle. This trail of candles will lead you to the main lounge. In the centre of the lounge another candle will be lighting up a single mattress covered with a thick rug/doona located centrally in the large room. The open fire place will be alight and a rich glass of merlot will be on the table next to it. sit down and relax, have a drink and then remove all of your clothes and lay face down on the rug. Blow out the last candle. There is to be no talking or noises apart from the stereo in the background.

You are now in a strange guys house, drinking fine red wine , totally naked, in the dark without even having heard him speak let alone having seen his face.

This will be when you will feel my touch for the every first time, i will pamper and massage every inch of your body, i will have every sense in your body working overtime. Once i have massaged your entire back (head - to - toe), then and only then can you roll over and see me for the first time and hear my voice. What happens from there will be entirely up to you."""

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The challenge was set, but would she go through with it.........?????

To my absolute amazement at 7:30pm a car rolled into my driveway and stopped.

I just couldnt believe it!!!. now i was panicking!! i didnt actually think she would go through with it..... Luckily for me it was 7:50pm before she actually got out of her car and made her way up to the front door. (this gave me enough time to finish off getting ready).

She followed the instructions of my email to a 'T' and i have never before felt the anxiety, the adenhelin, the excitement that gathered within my body (our bodies). It was sensual, it was erotic, it certainly tested and stretched the limits of all one's senses.

I worked , caressed and rubbed every square millimeter of her back , then her gorgeous buttocks, thighs, legs , feet and toes. I made sure that i didn;t miss anything, i then whilst straddling round firm ass i lean over and started kissing her neck. This alone was enough for her to break the 'No-Noise' rule as she let out a groan of pleasure which begged me to continue. So i did.. :P

i slowly kissed the back of her neck, top of her shoulders working my way down her spine speratically in no set pattern (i now knew that she was ticklish), i moved myself down her body, sliding between and slowly parting her legs.

we still had not seen or heard each other (apart from some moans) i then found myself worshipping, and kissing the back of her open legs. I continued and started moving my tongue back up the inside of hers legs where i found heaven with a clit ring. (wow surprised the hell outa me i gotta tell you). her juices were flowing and i lapped them up like a panting dog. i couldnt help but then flip her over and slide my now oily chest up hers till he finally met eye-to eye with a passionate kiss that i will always remember. i was rock hard at this stage and hungry for what was in front of me. it felt like it was almost all simultanous , the flipping her over , the sliding up her front , eye contact, the kiss, her grabbing my ass and forcing our hips together and the final pure ectasy moment when i slid my rock hard cock deep into her well lubricated pussy. Farrrrrk. what a moment!!! i could feel my heart just about pounding out of my chest.

At that moment we both stopped. looked deep into each others eyes and said "Hello, how are you"...

And we have been good mates ever since, although that one particular night will take alot to beat for me..

Hope you enjoyed..



  • On_Safari

    25 Oct 2012

    .....and totally up my alley!! Haha well done!! Have tried to submit my own stories but they bounce back as too big!! How did you get away with it? Love your work. Safari