


Public encounter

July 18 2024

One thing on my wish list is to do a photo shoot in public. Like in a public place, but still private. I don’t want the law called on me.

As I love the bush, I have always figured it would be in the bush somewhere.

On this afternoon, my friend rang me and said he had half an hour to spare, did I want to go for a drive. I had just gotten home from a long morning of driving and being at a new course, so the last thing I really felt like doing was going out again. However, I said yeah sure.

I had no idea where he wanted to take me, so I was a little apprehensive. But turns out I was pleasantly surprised.

Firstly, he took me through the car wash. One of his items on his wish list. And he proceeded to finger me and kiss me while the car was being washed.

Then, we went for a drive to a little bush walk about 15 minute drive away. It is beautiful there. Far enough off the road that no one will see us, yet close enough that it was exciting to know that all they had to do was turn into the gravel road and they would see us.

We walked the short distance along the track in the bush and ended up close to a main road, but it was still secluded by lots of trees.

He started to pull my pants down and was snapping away getting my legs and bum in with the surrounding bushland. Then he instructed me to bend over and show him my sexy arse.

I obliged, then I felt a slap on my legs. The mosquitoes there were really bad. We didn’t end up staying there for long, I started doing the swat dance.

So I got dressed and we headed back the way we came. Just a little further down the road around the corner was a carpark for the beach. So we pulled in there to have a look.

Now I am not a beach person at all. I strongly dislike the water, the sand, the smell, the noise, everything about the beach I dislike.

Although, when we pulled up, we couldn’t see it, there was a path to walk to get to it. I had an urge to go for a walk to see the ocean. So off I trotted along the path. He followed me and then I stopped at the crest, where I could still see the car, and I could see the water.

It was quite windy, so my hair was blowing in all directions. But the sun was rather warm.

I sat on a rock and looked at the water. He started snapping some shots. Then he pulled off my pants again.

I put my fingers on my knickers and pulled them up to give myself a front wedgie. The camera was going nuts.

I stood up and he was behind me, taking photos of between my legs, with the ocean and sand between them.

I was feeling really game so I took my shirt off and started taking my bra off. Snap snap snap. I wasn’t sure if the camera could focus that quickly.

I threw my bra and shirt onto the sand with my pants. I now only had my knickers on still.

I run my fingers through my hair to get it out of my face and have a think about what I could do for poses. I didn’t need to worry though. He was taking photos like crazy, in positions and places I didn’t even know he was there.

So I just looked out to the ocean and moved around a little bit. I just did what I felt comfortable doing. Trying to be as natural as I could be, being mostly naked on a public beach.

Suddenly a guy drove past along the beach in his ute. Shocked the hell out of me! Thankfully he didn’t look up the path to see me. He drove on past then must have turned around. 5 minutes later I heard him driving back. I panicked. Made my friend stand in front of me just in case he did look up. But he just looked straight ahead… his dog in the back of the ute had a good look though lol.

I stood on the crest with my arms out, enjoying the feeling of the freedom and of the sun and fresh air swirling around my naked body. It was exhilarating! I absolutely loved it!

An hour later and my friend said he really had to go, so we headed back to the car, him fully dressed still, and my in just my knickers. When we got to the car, the bonnet was so warm from the sun. I laid across it and he took some photos of me like that.

I thought I had better at least put my shirt back on for the trip home, just in case. So I then had on my shirt and knickers for the 15 minute drive back home, through the town where lots of people would have been able to see if I was topless.

I already have the next few spots picked out for my next photo shoots. I can not wait to do it again!

I absolutely encourage you, if this has been something on your mind, to do this. It made me feel so alive and he said he hasn’t seen me that happy for awhile. The photos turned out great! He has a gift. Do this!! It is so worth it!! Doesn’t have to be somewhere public, just go somewhere different, strip until you are comfortable and have photos taken. I loved it!!


  • Mark351

    21 Aug 2024

    It is really fun taking photos .sounds like you had fun