


My teacher

April 18 2015

When I was young, I had this hot, buffed, good looking PE teacher. He was 24 years old. A lot of female teachers and students wanted Mr J. He was always wearing shorts and without fail you could always see his bulge. He knew I had a crush on him because I kept telling him every time in a joking but true manner. He would always politely smile.

One day he asked me to return all the equipment to the storage room which I obliged. He was already inside the room as I was walking in and it was just the two of us. The door closed automatically and my heart was beating so fast. I couldn't believe I was in the same room as the teacher who I dreamed of every night having sex with me. The room was full of equipment and I had to walk past him.

There wasn't enough space so I thought I'd take my chances by walking past him and "accidentally" brushing my hand against his bulge. I walked past him and did it. He didn't move nor complain. So I did it again. The second time I felt his cock got harder and I could see it getting bigger in his shorts. When I walked past him the third time to move other equipment he told me to pick up some of the witches hats on the floor.

So I bent down and he pushed himself against my ass. I felt his cock bulging and pressed against me. I didn't know what to do. He told me to turn around and check out what he was touching. He was groping his crotch and he told me - "you can't just make this hard and do nothing about it." I asked him what he wanted and he told me to suck his cock. So I did. I pulled his shorts down and sucked his engorged cock. His cock was 8.5 inch. He fucked my mouth so hard and he came in like 5 min. He made me swallow his cum. He told me not to tell anyone about it. If I kept it a secret it I will get the chance to suck him off again.

I got to suck his cock a lot for 3 more years. He called me his "school gf." He would always ask me to put away the equipment or pretend he was giving me a detention. On the second week of me sucking his cock, he told me one day to come to school wearing ladies g string. So I did. When we were in the storage room after I sucked his cock, he pushed me against the wall and he fucked me.

This was my first time of receiving anal. I was so tight and he was in a rush. I bled a bit. My teacher told me "You are mine now. If I hear any one fucking you, I won't fuck you anymore." My teacher fucked me at least 6 times during school days. Sometimes I got called out of class because I apparently "did something wrong". He would fuck me in the storage room, his classroom after school or during the weekend he would drive me somewhere where no one knew us and we would go on bushwalking or to the beach and I would suck him and he would fuck me. I loved it when he came inside of me. Specially trying to hold the cum inside me for the whole day.

2 Months before Mr J moved to a different school, everyday he would fucked me, sometimes 3 times a day. When he moved, he cried and thanked me for the best sexual experiences of his life. What he didn't know was that he was my first and the best fuck I've ever had. Nothing can ever compare to Mr J.