


My lady FWBs first threesome

December 31 2023

The joys of the online sex world is that there are no secrets in your own little clique of friends. No petty jealousies. No sense of entitlement. For those of us that love the tempting desires of the flesh revel in the pleasure knowing that our friends are having many different levels of fun with a myriad of different sexual partners. Every partner offers something different and hopefully, exhilarating.


One night, sitting home alone watching a variety of porn - MILF lesbians, tit-fucking, rough sex and bi-male and single female porn I was interrupted by a phone call from one of my FWBs. She had a fair idea what I'd be doing home alone one evening when we weren't together and she was right. When she spoke I could hear her voice filled with anticipation and desire, but it was not the normal "let's fuck tonight" kind of desire. I could tell she wanted more and something new. She was with one of her FWBs, turns out a bi guy. A very bi guy. She put him on the phone to talk to me. At first I thought they were going to have the phone on so I could hear them fucking - we've done that many times - but no. He said he wanted all three of us to catch up and play. He asked me if I was interested.


What surprised me is that it was her idea. She never indicated a desire for a threesome before. It didn't take me long to get there. I was greeted at the door by her, she was wearing a sheer top, I could see her hard nipples piercing the material. Before I met him she whispered to me that she always wanted a threesome with me, but it had to be a bi-guy and me, one that I would feel comfortable with. "Are you ok with this...", she asked me. I could see in her eyes this was a massive desire, a new boundary, for both her an me. I could feel her heart pumping with anticipation. My cock was already hard.


I walked into the bedroom where he was lying down, his cock nearly fully erect. She took off her top, we kissed. She undressed me with a vigor not seen before. He stood up, now harder, sandwiched my FWB from behind, me from the front, both of us kissing her body passionately. I could feel a hand on my cock, it wasn't hers. It didn't matter. She stepped back and watched as he fondled me. I continued to kiss her. I didn't think I could get harder but I did with every kiss.


All three of us landed together on the bed and we continued to treat her to multiple orgasms. DP at first was awkward but once we found our way her spontaneous yelling with desire was mesmerising. She came many times and had a final request...she wanted to see us two guys play. She sat in a big comfy chair, leant back and started playing with her clit that was now very swollen. I stood in front of her ready to blow a big load. He knelt down in front of me and took my cock in her mouth - it was exactly what she wanted to see. It was my first time being sucked off by a guy. I edged and gently pushed his hid away before I blew my load. I wanted her to take my cum all over her tits.


One load is good, two would be amazing. I pulled him up by his air and grabbed his cock, he grabbed mine. We were now sitting to the side of her stroking each other. He was very hard and close, as was I. Her head tilted back, all three of us breathing hard. It lasted a long time until eventually I could feel his cock tremble in my hands, it made mine tremble too. Suddenly we both blew two massive loads all over her. A cocktail of warm juice ran down her tits, tummy and topped at her pussy that was now ready for another orgasm.


When we were all done, we went back to the bed, where we gently kissed, caressed each other and recovered to push more boundaries.