Massage release
September 22 2024
I begin to work muscles with powerful yet skilled hands, locating the knots and working them out as you feel a painful yet strangely satisfying aching sensation. Working from your shoulders down to your lower back, I took my time, stopping occasionally to get more oil.
Once i had reached the base of your back, i seemed to pause and consider something. i surprise you as you feel my hands on your thighs, working the oil up and down your legs. You feel that familiar, gorgeous twinge between your legs as my fingers raked up the inside of her thighs, beginning at your knees and stopping agonisingly close to where it felt best.
Barely able to believe what was happening, yet not wanting it to stop, you part your legs, inviting me to continue. You feel the warmth from your pussy radiate against your thighs as i continued this teasing, reaching the elastic of your knickers with each pass before moving away again.
As your hips instinctively moved forward against the table, I say "Turn over." You roll yourself onto ypur back, your whole body ablaze with anticipation.
I stand behind you, reached forward and began to rub oil into your firm, perky breasts. I allow ypur nipples to run between my fingers, expertly squeezing them with each pass. Going from every angle, i massage your breasts until your tingling nipples stood firm.
Without speaking, I pull your knickers down with both hands, the damp material clinging to to your wet pussy momentarily before coming free. As i slide the panties down your legs, i notice the odour of your arousal being released; that sexy, musky smell i was so familiar with. You sense that your moist pussy is glistening wet wanting and trembling with expectation.
I stand at your side, parted your legs and run a finger delicately from the bottom of your glistening lips up to your swollen, aching clit. For the first time you let out a gasp as i finally touched you there, ypur mouth agape as I continue to barely caress your skin with my skilled fingers. You glanced at my crotch, following the outline of my bulging erection down the leg of my tight trousers.
The next thing you feel istwo of my fingers entering you, sliding into ypur soaking pussy with ease. The deliciousness of being penetrated causes you to cry out and throw yopur head back, before i placed the first two fingers of my other hand on your clit.
I begin a rhythmic circling motion on your hard, protruding clit, ypur wetness allowing a slick, smooth sensation that increased your arousal further still.
Breathing in short, sharp gasps, ypu feel your climax building between your legs as i combined my steady clitoral action with the long, slow, gliding motion of my other hand.
Your eyes widen your legs began to twitch and then it arrived, a long, intense orgasm that radiated down your legs and up into your stomach. You let out a huge moan of pleasure as I maintain my steady pace, waves of pleasure running through you. As the aftershocks of ypur climax began to subside, my fingers slowed to a stop with perfect timing.
You let out a final moan as i slide my fingers out of your wet glistening pussy
You lay spent relaxed exhausted satisfied happy and you know this is happening many more times