


It’s Always The One’s You Least Suspect (part 1)

July 22 2024

I was working as a bartender for a popular venue in Perth.


The venue had lots of staff in a variety of roles, such as marketing and event planning. In other words people the dressed as office professionals unlike us bar tenders who dress about as casual as you could imagine.


For the year she worked there I would see Brodie every Thursday at 8:55am walking through the venue, on the way to the office. She was always buttoned up, ultra conservative, well groomed and never spoke a word.

It wasn’t that she was stuck up, you could tell she was just shy… very shy.


I on the other hand would be dragging 60kg Kegs down to the cellar in chino shorts, singlet, work gloves and steel cap boots. Dressed like the shit kicker I was.


One of the many Thursday mornings, Brodie walked right past me, so I being an extrovert blurted out “good morning” with a big smile.


She however, responded with what can only be described as a faint squeak. Before she diverted her eyes to the floor and actually walked faster to get away from the interaction.


It was at this point I figured, well maybe she thinks I’m a leg dragging knuckle head… which isn’t far from the truth.


I went on with my day, not thinking much of it.


That is until a few hours later when my manager came down, to grab invoices.


Manager: “Did you have a good chat with Brodie this morning?”


Me: “ah, I said hello. That was about the extent of it”


My manager pursed her lips and nodded almost nonchalantly. Her lack of interest gave me the impression it was nothing worth worrying about.



Week after week, Brodie was walk past, head down, and would say absolutely nothing. All you could hear is the soft pitter patter of her feet as she scurried past.


I was convinced she, disliked me, maybe even hated me. So I didn’t bother her with a good morning again.


Turns out I was wrong.


… continue with part 2
