

M48 F34

Her First and Special Experience at Saints NYE 2023 Swingers Party

January 02 2023

She sent me an SMS 5.15am when I got home with these exact words:


"Thank you for tonight. Honestly, I think I am now going to have very different experiences in my life thanks to you"


Here is what happened and why...

I went to Saints for the 2023 NYE party. As most swingers in Australia know, SNS is the biggest swinging party in Melbourne or Australia. It was a very busy night with hundreds of people


I had a great time and played with a few ladies. But the highlight of the night was playing with this lovely Saint lady (or that's what I felt she thought she was).


I noticed her watching others play and encouraging them but I didn't see her play. I approached her and asked How come I didn't see you playing tonight?

I was really curious, she said it's my first time here and I don't belong here. She made me more curious, I asked her why is that?. She said there's no intimacy in swinging parties, I like to give my full attention to someone when I'm with someone, these beautiful women are trying to please these men and doing great work but they are all distracted and looking around for and at other women to find someone better.


I said I slightly disagree, whilst most men and some women would be distracted while playing and looking around, it may seem they are looking for better, but in fact they could just be looking for more, a few more hands or another cock, ass or boob. They may just want more and not necessarily better, but I admitted it was an interesting observation and it seemed that she wanted a partner to focus on her only.


I said I would also agree that there may not be much intimacy in a party like this where most people just want harder and faster, but I wouldn't say that there isn't intimacy or connection at all. If 2 want to connect and want to be intimate, then there's nothing to stop them.


I felt she was craving intimacy like I often do. I asked her if I could stroke her and touch her gently, she said sure. I stared with her arms, her chest, neck, cheeks and her breast. I asked her to lay down, then started to touch her legs starting from the feet. Her legs were closed, I gently opened them and she responded, I went back to her feet stroking my way up to her pussy, she didn't hesitate and I noticed her pussy was wet. I licked her pussy and stroked it for a while. I put my finger in her pussy and it was extremely tight. I went back to her clit , she asked if I could finger her again the same way.


She was like she went somewhere else, she started to feel emotional , I placed my other hand on her chest, she started to cry, I stopped, she asked me to continue, she continued to cry, I couldn't continue as I wanted to make sure she was ok. A lovely girl that played with her observed and hugged her, she offered her water and I held her till she brought the water. She asked me if I could please continue. She said she felt there was some sort of block since giving birth and she feels it's getting unblocked. I said ok, but take a little rest first, she said she was ok, offered her a bit more water then started again with gentle touch, grounding touch to calm her down then started to finger her again, she cried more and thanked me a lot for helping her unblock something or at least starting to break through something.

She said until today no man made her cum before me as she had trust issues and thanked me a lot.


I offered to spend the rest of the night at her place or mine and only cuddle (and I meant it). She declined but asked if we could swap numbers.


I rang her up on the way to check on her, she thanked a lot and said tonight was a breakthrough.

I told her that she needs to make sure that she needs partners that are caring, tentative and not selfish, explore, speak and enforce her boundaries, and not be afraid to ask for what she wants.


I reached home and got the SMS at the start of this post


  • WeLoveGroupPlay

    05 Sep 2024

    Thank you everyone for your beautiful comments. I might have another beautiful story in Bali to share soon but waiting for her to write it in her own words 😋

  • Skarlet79

    28 Jan 2023

    So sensual and intimate....healing touch is everything.

  • Kriis

    06 Jan 2023

    Nice story

  • newcouple4334

    05 Jan 2023

    Just beautiful proud to see a man put her first

  • FitCouplexxx

    04 Jan 2023

    Well done champ.❤️

  • latinlover58

    04 Jan 2023

    Good on you for your respect and patience ❤️

  • GeorgeNMildred

    04 Jan 2023

    Room for so.eone to lie down at Saints??? You lucky buggers! 😈😈😈

  • BrisbaneHotMale

    04 Jan 2023

    Respect to people and their dynamics is the key of a good fun. Nice writing

  • MissMisha81

    04 Jan 2023


  • SandD74

    04 Jan 2023

    Thanks for sharing. Perfect respectful interaction.

  • Sunnyshalin

    03 Jan 2023

    Would do the same!!! Respect

  • Gcguy4213

    03 Jan 2023

    Cool story

  • Dilectio

    03 Jan 2023

    Respect. It’s worth remembering that there are people we will meet in the swinging scene that are there hoping to rediscover intimacy, or even discover it for the first time. Many have been through trauma.

  • PartyOrg

    03 Jan 2023

    absolutely loved this story, thank you for sharing

  • Diesel1958

    03 Jan 2023

    You're a lovely person. It's hard for both people in a relationship when the intimacy drops away.

  • Mihir5

    02 Jan 2023

    This is beautiful! You seem like a cool person! I’d love to hangout sometime when I am back in Melbourne if you’d like.

  • Avush

    02 Jan 2023

    This is lovely and very beautiful.

  • OwnMe

    02 Jan 2023

    How beautiful just reinforces my view that intimate touch can be a strong catalyst to healing

  • B3nj1

    02 Jan 2023

    So glad it was you that found and helped her, much love 👌

  • NaughtyBi_Nature

    02 Jan 2023

    That is the most beautiful thing a person could do to some one with trust n care ❤️

  • Jerry_pro

    02 Jan 2023

    Interesting moments

  • eligiblejames

    02 Jan 2023


  • Newxperiences

    02 Jan 2023

    So kind if only more people were like you

  • dancetilltheam

    02 Jan 2023

    A truely special moment a lovely read !

  • Djavul

    02 Jan 2023

    This is beautiful!