


First time threesome

September 19 2023

Two months before we were to graduate college, my friend Colin and I decided we needed a break. We took off a couple of days from school and headed down for New York City. I had just broken up with my girlfriend of three years and needed to recharge. Colin was much more of a free-spirit. I had never seen him stay with a girl for more than a few weeks. Colin was British and very much had a way with the ladies. He could smooth talk almost any girl out of her panties and often did just that.


We couldn't afford a very nice hotel, but got a place in midtown that was clean and had two beds in the room. When we arrived we both felt a buzz of energy from the city. We decided to start the night old school and went out to Old Town Bar where we admired the establishment's history over a few cold drafts and wings.


I whined a little about having broken up with my girlfriend and Colin wasn't having any of it. He told me my girlfriend had been uptight and that I needed to fuck a fun girl while we were in the Big Apple. I laughed and said it might be a bit uncomfortable since his bed was just a couple of feet away. Colin said we'd just have to find a couple of girls who weren't shy.


"Or..." he paused for effect, " girl who is not shy at all."


I looked perplexed and he asked if I had ever had a threesome.


"Two girls and a guy or two guys and a girl?" I asked.


"Two guys and a girl." Colin answered.


"Neither." I laughed.


"Ok, let's make that our mission tonight."


I reminded Colin that I had no game. I hadn't needed any for three years, I rationalized. Colin assured me he had game enough for both of us. He told me we needed to find a girl with low self-esteem, one who needed to get validation from the attention of men.


We headed over to a cowboy bar where Pabst Blue Ribbon was $2 a can and girls danced on the bar. The place was packed despite the dive bar surroundings and an unappealing odor. Honky tonk music blared.


Colin quickly targeted a group of three girls. The girls all clearly had a buzz going. One was dancing on the bar while the other two cheered her on from below. We moved closer and could hear from their accents they weren't from New York City, but somewhere in the south.


When a Lynyrd Skynyrd song finished the girl looked like she wanted to get off the bar, and Colin made a move, holding out his hand for her. She took it as she clambered off and fell into him a little. Colin complemented her on her dancing and introduced himself, then me.


The girls were from Tennessee, and like us were in town for the weekend. The dancing girl was Julia. Julia was a 6/10, mainly because she had very big tits which were apparent in the tight t shirt she wore. Julia had reddish brown hair with freckles on an otherwise plain face. She was sweating a little from dancing but seemed happy to chat.


One of the other two girls was Katie. Katie was a 7/10. She carried maybe 10 extra pounds, but most of it in a nice round ass, which she showed off in a flowered sundress. Katie had curly black hair that fell into her eyes, big lips and an easy smile.


The last girl, Elsa, was a 8/10. She seemed the most sophisticated, wearing all a coral dress that fell just above her knee. She was slim, with a nice tight body. She had blonde hair in a ponytail. She was friendly but seemed slightly wary. Understandably so as every man she met probably wanted to do nasty things to her. Elsa was a hottie and was pretty clearly queen bee of her small group.


We bought the girls tequila shots and toasted the city. It was tough to talk but we chatted the girls up a little. Julia slurred her words as she said how much she liked Colin'a accent. Katie made it clear she had a boyfriend, but still wanted to have a fun weekend with the girls. I made an effort to talk to Elsa, but I hadn't got too far when a song came on that Katie said she loved. Colin immediately insisted we all go up and dance, and the girls took his lead. There was no real dance floor, but an area in the middle we moved to. Elsa moved in a sexy rhythm, more dancing with herself than with me. Julia came over and I took her in my arms playfully for a bit. She seemed to be using be for support, apparently having drunk too many shots. Colin was dancing with Katie who seemed to be giving him a vertical lapdance, moving her ass up and down against him.


I was thinking that instead of one girl, we might have even more more girls than we needed, but stuck with the plan to let Colin lead. When Julia disappeared to the bathroom, Colin told Katie what a great dancer I was and rather literally passed her over to me. Katie began to give me a similar dirty dance to what she had been giving Colin. My hardened cock slid along her plump ass as Kid Rock screamed on the speakers. Colin, meanwhile, took Elsa by the hand and danced in what looked like a chaste waltz. Elsa seemed like she was a very good dancer, and I watched with admiration as Colin led with confidence.


Colin took Elsa to the bar to get another drink and while they were gone Julia came back. She looked a little disheveled, but was still ready to go. She danced with Katie and I and somehow moved Katie out of the way to give me a passionate, messy kiss. I was a little embarrassed as I saw Elsa and Colin had returned and were watching with Katie. Colin handed out the shots, but after we downed them Elsa quickly said she wanted to head back to their hotel and grabbed Julia by the arm in a way that made clear she wasn't leaving her impaired friend to us.


Colin graciously thanked the girls for chatting and asked Katie to stay and keep us company.


"We'll make sure she gets safely into a taxi." he said, with an especially strong accent.


Katie looked suspicious, but Katie was not ready to go, and the music was too loud for a long discussion. Julia out up a little fight, but Elsa was determined to take her away. Julia gave Colin and I a quick kiss, thanking us for the drinks, then the two girls gave Katie and hug and headed out to the night.


We kept dancing, but now Katie had both of us to herself. She seemed to enjoy it, teasing us by raising her skirt and baring her legs, then rubbing against one of us while looking the other in the eye. I bought the three of us another round, tipping the waitress generously to prevent her from shaming us with her megaphone fin some way as I had seen her do to many patrons. After a couple more songs Colin suggested we go somewhere quieter and Katie seemed amenable.


We walked out into a waiting taxi, and naturally we put Katie in the middle. Colin told the driver to go to out hotel and I looked at Katie to see if she would object. She said nothing just snuggled in between us. Colin ran his hand up her bare leg, raising her skirt a little.


"Your skin is so soft...I'd be feeling my legs all day long if I were you."


Katie laughed shyly.


"Feel how soft her leg is Mark."


I put my hand on her other leg, stroking my hand upwards. It really was soft. Katie turned to me and I bent over to kiss her. She was more than ready and returned my kiss aggressively, her tongue probing my mouth. I saw Colin's hand had gone further up her skirt but it looked like her was just teasing her.


"Hey, don't leave me out." Colin pleaded with a laugh.


Katie giggled and moved away from me, then started to make out with Colin. I lifted her skirt to enjoy a look at her red panties and could see she a little cheek of her generous ass. It felt like she would let us do whatever we wished with her and the thought made me hard as a rock. Without even thinking I took Katie's hand and placed it on my cock. Katie didn't miss a beat as she started stroking my cock through my jeans while she kissed Colin.


The taxi driver broke up the fun by arriving at our hotel. He smirked at me as I handed him the cash and Colin and I both escorted our date into the lobby. We ignored the looks of the few people around as we went directly to the elevator. When we got to the room I was ready to jump on her, but Colin played it cool getting us all a drink from the mini-bar. We stood and toasted new friends and drank down the little bottles.


I felt a little awkward as I finished my drink wondering how we'd proceed from there but Colin again led the way. He took Katie into his arms and kissed her. At first I just watched, feeling a little left out, then Colin slowly pulled up her skirt, exposing the little red panties covering some of her ample ass. I came up behind her and started to kiss her neck and shoulder, pushing my hardness against her. Katie moaned quietly with the pleasure of two men tending to her and I took this as a signal to push things further. I knelt on the ground behind her and slowly peeled down her panties, kissing each ass cheek while I did so. The panties were soaking wet.


Katie continued to make out with Colin, but she lifted each leg as I pulled her panties over her feet. As I stood back up I felt a little dizzy from all the drinks so I sat on the bed and watched.


Colin stopped kissing Katie and instead took his finger to her mouth and had her suck it sensually. He thoughtfully told her, "I think you've got poor Mark all worked up. Perhaps you should take care of him."


Katie snickered as she turned to look down at me, "Aww, poor Markie. Are you all worked up?"


I nodded up at her, and she knelt in front of me, and proceeded to unbutton my jeans and pull out my hard cock. I felt momentarily self-conscious of my friend standing behind her, but lost myself in Katie's eager look as she studied my cock, then teased it by licking it like a lollipop a few times. Finally I couldn't stand the teased so I reached over and pulled her head towards me. She accommodated, taking my cock deep into her throat. I lost myself, no long caring that my friend was a foot away, groaning with pleasure every time Katie bobbed her head. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I saw that Colin was busying himself removing Katie's dress.