


DTF - Part 1

January 18 2019

He answered the door with just a pair of shorts on. 'Mhm, yes please' I thought to myself as a followed him into the house. He was even cuter in person than his photo and I felt my heart start to race in anticipation. We sat on the sofa, making a little bit of small talk, but his mouth was just mesmerizing me. I had to kiss it. I leaned in and gently brushed his lips with mine, tentatively at first, and then as I heard him moan I increased the pressure on his mouth. It was an amazing first kiss. And let's face it, first kisses, first touches, first skin on skin are some of the things I'm in it for. The chance to have the first exquisite moment when strangers become lovers.

Anyway, I digress! Back to the kissing. He mumbled something which I didn't quite hear and when I asked him to repeat it he told me that he knew my lips would be perfect for kissing from my photo. As our kisses deepened and we starting biting and grazing each other's lips a little I felt that telltale tug deep down inside of me, telling me that I was starting to get very, very turned on. My lips were feeling swollen and so full and we played with each other's mouths in turn.

I straddled his lap and immediately felt a huge bulge between my legs. I wriggled around, a little embarrassed at the wetness that seemed to be seeping through my panties and jeans onto his lap. This was getting better and better by the moment. I didn't know a lot about him, which added to the intense and dangerous excitement of our liaison. I asked him what he would write about himself on a hook-up profile and he grinned at me and said 'DTF'. 'Down to fuck .... is that what you mean?' I asked. 'Ha yeah' he replied, 'might be a generational thing'. I might have been a lot older than him but I definitely could feel he was down to fuck. And so was I. I was so sick of time wasters. I want sex. He wanted sex. He lived alone, I could travel to him. The very definition of down to fuck!

We kept grinning at each other as we kissed and kissed. His big hands stretched around me and caressed my back and arse. He was everything I look for in a guy and I could tell he was responding to my soft, warm skin and voluptuous curves.

I got to the point where I could barely contain myself anymore and I told him he should go into his bedroom, take off all his clothes and lay face down on the bed naked with his legs slightly spread for me. Well, you've never seen a guy leap up out of his seat so fast! I grabbed my bag and padded down the hallway to find him following my instructions to the letter.

'Yum' was the first thought that ran through my head as I saw him laying there. Actually I might have even said it out loud. I licked my lips in anticipation as I eased myself down onto the bed between his legs. The trust this guy was showing me was incredible. To lay there in such a vulnerable position, anticipating my next move but not at all concerned about what I was going to do. He was fucking loving it and he was like putty in my hands. And truth be told, I was starting to feel like I'd do anything he wanted as well.

I started running my nails gently over his whole body, from his ankles up to his neck and arms. I kissed his arse cheeks and giggled to myself as I saw him squeeze and tense up his buttocks. I couldn't keep from tasting him and started licking and lapping my way around his body. I could see his gorgeous cock and balls between his legs but I pretended not to, ignoring them, teasing him and relishing in the power I had over his relaxing body.

He was making the sexiest noises, letting me know he was loving my ministrations. Eventually he rolled over and we grinned at each other as we made eye contact. Yes we were down to fuck, but fuck we were enjoying getting down to it! I had a lot more exploring I wanted to do. And yeah, I could see that glorious cock and heavy balls just waiting for me. But I kept my eye on the prize ..... his pleasure! I licked and teased my way around his front, working my way up to his nipples. I took each of them between my teeth, tweaking them and teasing them with my tongue. The hair on his chest was now a mess of damp curls from my tongue. He reached down to touch my hair and I shoved his arms back up over his head. I grinned at him and worked my way lower and lower down his body. I positioned myself right between his thighs and scooped my arms underneath his legs and placed my hands on his sides. I leaned in and smelt his fragrant skin. Fuck! He just smelt so manly and clean and delicious. I tentatively let my tongue gently move across his balls. He reaction was priceless. I knew he would let me do anything I wanted down there!

... to be continued!


  • Laddy10

    18 Feb 2019

    well written with exquisite foreplay.

  • Laddy10

    28 Jan 2019

    Expertly written.

  • ozzygirl

    24 Jan 2019

    First kisses, first touches, first skin on skin, mmmm yes please

  • MsFlirt

    22 Jan 2019

    If you liked this I hope you enjoy part 2 -

  • MsFlirt

    22 Jan 2019

    Hey thanks AustinElroy2! Hope you enjoy part 2 and 3.