

M53 F52

DESIRE - Part One

November 26 2011

It’s sometime between 9pm and midnight but I’ve lost track of time so I can’t be too sure of the exact hour. The sun has set and we’re nestled closely together on the lounge room couch watching porn on the big screen T.V. Pussy and cock flash before our eyes; flesh and sweat, moaning and gagging girls; a visual feast of sexual arousal.

I can feel the warmth of his skin against the right side of my shoulder, back, torso and thigh as I lean against his almost naked body. His skin is beautifully tanned; soft and deliciously smooth. My hands run along strong firm legs, over his hip and torso, then slide them across his muscular chest and down his sculptured arms. I feel every contour of his body and the freedom to touch him is exhilarating.

On my left side, the warm body of my sweetheart leans against me in such a way as to ensure he has physical contact with almost the entire length of my body. I can feel every single breath he takes. His chest expands with each lung full of air and pushes against my breast, closing the gap between us even more, then as it gently falls away again releasing the pressure, his breath escapes and whispers softly across my collar bone.

He leans his head on my shoulder and talks rather softly but his excited tone is prominent as he shares his fantasies with us. He tells of how he can’t wait to see me sucking, licking and devouring four hard cocks, one after the other; and how much he loves to show me off and share me with other men. I can’t help but smile, how lucky am I to have a partner who’s into this!

Aroused by his own words, he leans his clothed body even further into me and casually adjusts the bulge in his crotch. He’s hard again and he wants to fuck me some more. I know this because he told me not less than a minute ago so I know I won’t have to wait long before they’re inside me again. We’ve been here together and horny since about midday just enjoying the best kind of play.

I hear an approving “mmmmmm” humming in my right ear, Brad agrees “ That would be hot”. Then he places soft warm kisses on my neck. They feel so good it makes me let out a tiny moan of pleasure.

Our heads lay side by side one another which means I can kiss either one of them with just a slight turn of my neck. I have one leg on Johnny and the other on Brad so my legs are spread open and their hands freely roam my scantily clad body. Their fingers caress and glide across my arms and tummy, squeeze at my thighs, cup my naked breasts, circle my nipples and brush against the thin material of my g-string, deliberately teasing at my desire for more. I’m finding it difficult to concentrate now as I’m completely enveloped by their sensuous power.

Johnny inhales deeply only to let out a lustful sigh and gently wraps his hand around my inner thigh. His eyes sparkle with excitement and with such intensity that I can almost see his mind playing out and planning our next hot and horny adventure.

Brad looks blissful and calm, cosily settled by my side wearing only a pair of white body hugging boxer pants and what appears to be a ‘permanent’ cheeky grin. Every time his gaze meets mine, his mischievous eyes shine directly at me.

They are both so naughty and playful. It’s hot in here and I’m sandwiched between two sexy horny men. Flushed with heat my skin is starting to glisten with tiny beads of sweat and my breathing is long and slow in an attempt to keep my excitement under control.

Convinced that Johnny must be sweltering in his clothes, I pull at the buttons on his jeans and try to pry them open. “Take them off babe” I plead, “it’s too hot in here for clothes and I can’t get them off by myself”.

He grins, knowing his rock hard cock will be freed and in need of immediate attention, so without hesitation he pulls off his jeans, underpants and T-shirt, throws them to the side then stands in front of me, erect and proud. His grin now wider, he looks directly into my eyes and briefly raises his eyebrows as if to say “so how about it, I’m naked now and you know how much I want you”.

I respond by asking “where would you like your cock hunny? Which one of my holes would you like to fuck, do you want my pussy or maybe my arse?

He smiles with delight at my question and says “well actually, I was kind of hoping to fuck your mouth first”.

I wasn’t expecting that answer, I look over at Brad and he just smiles and nods, obviously amused by the request because he knows I’ve been sucking and licking their cocks for much of the play session already. Then says, “I think that’s a great idea, I’d like to see that too”.

I’ve had so much cock in my mouth already today but I’m happy to give him want he wants anyway. How could I possibly deny him the pleasures of my mouth. After all, that’s what a ‘good girl’ does, and she enjoys every second she gives. His dominant stance instantly makes me want to embrace the role of his well behaved sex craved sub. I like this mind game!

I smile back at him “Just tell me where you’d like me to lie so you can straddle my face and fuck my pretty little mouth”.

Instantly, I see the look of pure pleasure wave across his face.
