A bang on a boat
June 22 2024
I knew it would always be a temptation Hiring a young, blonde, 23yo girl to be an apprentice. Could a rational decision overcome human desire? Or would there be a HR problem in the future? She was a perfect candidate in a city full of bad ones so the decision was pretty obvious.
It was a casual conversation about fishing that would lead to a true test of that question.
It was a surprise to hear that a cute, young girl could love a hobby involving fish guts. But the weather was looking mighty fine for the weekend and the question seemed innocent enough "do you want to come out on the boat this weekend and throw out some lines? Feel free to bring a friend if you're unsure about my intentions" she said it had been forever since she'd been out on a boat fishing and had a friend named Sam that she'd love to bring along. The thought of her bodyguard made me crack a subtle smile but this sounded like a great relaxing day in the making!
The day had come and while I prepared the boat in the rigging bay by the ramp, I saw her car pull in to the carpark. It only took a single glance to realise that the gym junkie Sam I was expecting to see, was actually a stunning brunette! The type with designer clothes filled with some perfect designer titties to match! My apprentice on the other hand was dressed in old clothes that were clearly appropriate for contact with fish guts and much more conservative compared to her friend.
To speed this story up I'll bypass the usual meet and greets and get right to the fishing spot. Anchor down and everyone settled in for a relaxing day.
No surprise but Sam wasn't the fishing type. While underway the top and shorts had disappeared to display the dark blue g string bikini beneath. And fuck me what a nice tan she had too! She found a spot on my forward deck and took in the sun while us 2 fishers enjoyed our day the way we planned. That lasted for maybe 20mins at most before that pale, knowing look crept across my apprentice's face. Before I could even utter a word, she had dashed to the edge and relieved her seasickness over the side. Turns out she didn't take seasick tablets and it was far too late now. I suggested we call it a day but she was adamant a lay down in the cabin was all she needed for a little while and she would be fine again. Sam had also appeared in true bestie style and settled her in to the cabin.
Maybe if I hadn't been behind that perfect tanned g string ass, the rest of the day wouldn't have followed. But I had been. And looking at that toned ass had stirred a lot of feelings in my shorts. What I wasn't expecting was her to suddenly back out of the cabin doorway and right into my rigid cock in my shorts. She spun around quickly and those designer titties brushing against my chest didn't help the situation down there at all. She quickly apologised for not realising I was there and we both walked back to the rear deck.
Now that's as far as I thought things would progress from that experience. Small talk followed, the usual topics 2 people would discuss when they had just met. It was when the sun's rays became a little too strong that she asked if I could grab the sunblock and slap it on her. Her back was to me, so the intention was pretty obvious and pretty innocent as well. It was when she reached back and pulled the strings loose that things took a turn!
"Haha it's easier to get under those strings if they aren't there right?" She said. Couldn't argue with that. Damn that back was nice to rub. Feeling something stirring in my shorts again. Soon she had reached back and grabbed my hands, pulling them around her and placing them on those designer titties.
"You're doing such a fine job" she said "might as well do the front as well right? Haha"
Oh fuck they felt amazing! Those fine nipples growing harder every time my hands passed over them. I couldn't decide whether just feeling them and not seeing them was more intense or if actually looking at them and feeling them would be. Never mind, just enjoy this moment. Maybe she'll let me take a happy snap with my phone after.
At this point the rest of events was pretty inevitable. I spun her around, pulled that body and titties against me and stuck my tongue in that perfect mouth. Mmmm pretty wet in here, I could imagine the lips down below would also be very wet.
Our bodies were still very tight together but soon she freed her face from mine to say "something in your pants is poking me pretty hard down there!
Then while slipping a hand down my shorts "let me get that out of there and make him feel better"
Wow that hand felt amazing wrapped around my stiff cock, and I said to her
"only if I can slide my hand in that bikini and feel how wet you are" my hand was already half way there before she could answer and damn, you would think the girl had been for a swim!
Now we each had a hand in each other's pants. 1 firmly gripping cock, the other rubbing wet vag. Our mouths met again for another passionate kiss.
"Time to get those off girl! You're making me hungry" I teased
"You too big boy" she teased back.
I pulled those strings and tore off those panties before she even had a chance to try dropping my shorts, and in my next heartbeat, had pushed her back onto my soft engine cover, pulled her legs apart, and buried my face in that devine pussy!
The great thing about sexing on a boat, be as loud as you like girls. And she didn't hold back how she was feeling in that moment. In fact it was only when my apprentice weakly shouted "fucking whore!" From inside the cabin, that we remembered the fact we weren't out here alone.
"Prude!" Sam shouted back. "Why don't you come gobble some cock while his head is busy down here"
"Oh god don't make me yack" we heard come from the cabin. "Just hurry up and fuck so I can rest in peace"
"Now that's a fine idea" I yelled back while standing up, dropping my pants, grabbing a thigh in each hand and sliding my thobbing cock deep inside that wet hole.
"Fuck he's a man of his word!" Sam yelled to her friend with a giggle.
Damn she was tight! Those muscles clamping my cock as I thrust repeatedly, threatening to make me blow a load. Thankfully the effect seemed to be much more intense for her though, as soon her body started to quiver while she grabbed a hold of that soft engine cover and braced for a body tingling orgasm.
"Don't stop! Don't stop.....Oh fuck! That feels good!" she moaned as she came. "fuck that's enough! Too sensitive" she said while out of breath as I kept thrusting inside her post orgasm.
"Besides, I'm hungry now" she teased with a wink. "Go have a seat in your skipper's chair and let me have a nice snack"
And that's exactly what happened next, and damn that girl knew how to work a cock. What wasn't expected though, was her hand to bump the cabin door latch as she reached behind to tie up her hair. To its credit, the door stayed shut for most of the glorious sucking. But when it did fly open, it was well beyond the point of no return, there was my apprentice lying down, eyes open, feeling like the worst day of her life and now witnessing her boss getting sucked dry. Sam felt the door bump her and pulled away to try shut it, but this was not the time to stop! I grabbed a handful of her hair and guided her head back to my cock where i throated that pretty face over and over until I filled that pretty mouth with a massive cumload. Only then did i let go so she could turn and drool out her mouthful over her perfect titties while looking at her friend and saying "sorry" as she re latched the door.
The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful after that! Apprentice never did recover enough to enjoy the fishing trip so I packed all the gear in and we headed back.
It's been a long time since that trip and a laughable moment now. 1 question she never answers when I bring up Sam and that day though "Did you bring her so I wouldn't make advances on you if I became sex crazed on a day out?"
Pretty sure "you'll never know" will always be the answer I get.