turning my man help wanted!!

November 18 2015

I really want to turn my man into a cuckold and have a femdom relationship.. I've seen his history (he doesnt know) ;) on the net and he seems to watch a lot of black guys with white wives style of porn.. I love attention I get from men even when he is there probably more when he is! Has or does anyone done this? Help!!!

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • Twisted_Mister


    9 years ago

    Because if he ain't into it, you may need to reassess your priorities...

    There have been plenty of threads posted by guys basically saying ' Help I want my girl to fuck other men and women with me, please help!!!!! :)', and those guys were crucified.

    Same diff in my opinion. Good luck though...

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    I love cuckold style porn as well....I have a voyeuristic side that I'd like to see a partner of mine getting fucked by another person.....gender isn't important....


    There's also the fantasy I have of fucking another mans wife.....not necessarily with him watching but I will move toward that yes....

    But none of these two scenarios really include the "queening" component that's typically stereotypical of a cuckold lifestyle I don't believe....

    So as that twisted prick(:p) said best be confirming it with your partner before you go letting loose with too much juice ;)

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    To your profile you are single and twenty-nine so I assume that you haven't been a couple for long..have you told him you have seen his "history" on line...maybe you could have that disclosure as a starting point xFreya

  • HotMocca


    9 years ago

    He may or may not have done this, it just makes you an awesome naughty woman regardless ;)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    could possibly wrong?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    Go wrong?

  • Twisted_Mister


    9 years ago

    IF I hooked up with a girl/woman/lady/chick (hope I covered everything there) and IF said person fronted me one day and said 'I want you to be a cuckold' and IF I wasn't into that then I'd be more than slightly miffed.

    One of those long, ease-into-it conversations required, methinks. Just because he watches a certain type of porn doesn't mean he wants to engage in it himself.

    As I say, if he's all for it then best of british luck to you. Not my game though - having a cage on my cock with someone else having the key - nuh-huuuuh.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • Twisted_Mister


    9 years ago

    If he says 'What's a cuckold', you might be behind the eight ball from the start!!!

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    I really don't like snoopers. I've also been involved with one couple as part of their cuckold fantasy. I can tell you that those people don't snoop on each other.

    People need to stop taking porn so damn seriously sometimes. It's just one roleplay that most people want to try out ONCE. Then they go back to their lives for the most part. Occasionally some couples do it more than once but not every weekend!

    Your relationship is already heading south if you're searching through his web history and have an account on a sex website without his knowledge. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    Run it past your man and see what he says.. There are lots of men who like to see their wife being fucked by another man... In fact it's more common than you might think. As long as you're both on the same page with no jealousy issues you will have a blast... It's a win win for you both... Been there a few times as the invited.. Only once did I pull the plug on a couple , that's because I felt their mindset was all wrong.. They called me later and confirmed what I thinking... But nothing ventured ,nothing gained..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    what if he's an artsy fellow who appreciates the contrast of colours in the photos?
    what if it's just that they do lots of the stuff he wants to do in the he's watching - not as the cuckold but as the bull?

  • madotara69


    9 years ago

    What's your perception of cuckolding ?
    Mado Tara xx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    The shoe is on the other foot and he is fantasizing about being with married women, rather than you being with other guys? Freeya's suggestion is a good one, I would use that to break the ice and discuss each other's fantasies. That should open the forum and sooner or later you will know where you both lie... and who with.

  • Smilingwithfun


    9 years ago

    How can you be single yet what a cuckolding situation?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    If a man wrote this post about his wife, he would like get crucified on here. Especially if he didn't disclose his relationship status on profile and was snooping on her :)

    Best you ask him, I'd say as a woman approaching a man on this issue, you'd have much more luck than the other way around :)

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    What does black guys fucking white women have to do with cuckolding, unless there is an indication of either the husbands being there or the wives telling them all about their encounters?

    I'm also confused by your profile stating you're newly single.

    Quoting 'CaptS'
    Your relationship is already heading south if you're searching through his web history and have an account on a sex website without his knowledge. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    What he said.

  • Mischeviouslad


    9 years ago

    1 + 1 = 57

    The others have raised the obvious in congruencies....... I wish you luck with whatever is going on.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    A femdom Hotwife in a cuckhold relationship. I didn't 'turn' my husband, I got clues from the man himself and not his browser history! Our relationship evolved to where it is today, through much negotiation, compromise and understanding, even before we got to the sexy part of this! It takes an incredible man to watch a person he loves being fucked by others and get enjoyment out of it, without getting jealous! It takes an extraordinary man who gives his wife the opportunities for sleepovers and weekends away with other men, to ensure her needs are met! As his Domme, it is my responsibility to ensure that he gets everything he needs, emotionally and sexually from our relationship! Are you prepared for that? If it's a role play, you still need to ensure you establish the rules and boundaries! We live it more full time in our sexual relationship, we are constantly talking about what we both like and want and ensure we listen and hear what is being said. I too don't understand what black guys have got to do specifically with cuckholding. Your partner may in fact have a different fantasy and that is BBC! You won't know though, till you talk to him. Mary xx

  • sweetgem


    9 years ago

    I haven't had, or done, the type of relationship you mentioned and wanted, satisfyme6969, so I cannot give your constructive suggestion on how you can turn your man.

    However, I do hope to get a message across to you that what you intend to do is an act of disrespect to your man! You may argue that you do respect him and it's a different story, but wanting to turn someone into something that you desire, without proper communication and their consent, it is a disrespect, even if it was only a thought, in my opinion!

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • DynamicCouple36


    9 years ago

    You could be the male, who is watching the porn ....

    How about verifying your profile to disprove our theory ?

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    Why not just start with an open and honest conversation about your sexual fantasies and include into the discussion what porn do you enjoy as part of your sexual fantasies and why. Then watch some porn together ;-)

    He can then say what turns him and what fantasies he would be interested in leaving fantasy and which ones would like to explore in RL. Much better discussing from a place of open and ethical discussion then you making assumptions based on you snooping on his porn history.

    If there is some common ground there between you both fantasy wise then great but also be prepared for the other side of the coin that he may not be into what your into at all and doesn't want to go there with you. You then might have some difficult decisions to make.


  • IamMrSilly


    9 years ago

    Like everyone else said, don't ask us, talk to him.
    In my opinion, you don't turn or manipulate him, you talk to him abut the fantasy and see how he responds.... no is no, yes is yes. :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    the OP is a guy with "Bi" tendencies who "wants" to be cucked ..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    Seems like a male...unverified profile as well :/

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    I'm with the majority here and suggest you talk to him about it. You would know better than anyone else in here the best way to approach him about it. If the answer is no, then the answer is no and he may not appreciate any further push or nudge to convince him otherwise. If he says yes, or wants to know more, then you're in luck. I guess I haven't contributed anythibng new that others haven't already said. Good luck and I hope it works out for both of you. XO

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    Don't do anything to humiliate him or surprise him.
    talk about it and take it slow, focus on him and make him the center. Maybe your first femdom is 2 girls where you have a submissive girl who you get to dominate him etc.
    Good luck!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    We used to do it a lot a few yrs bak,originally it was my idea .....and after sum planning and ground rules, we set it up. I watched her get fucked hard by a young 20 yr old with a 9" uncut thick cock that she chose. We used to meet up with him every couple of months.........he was very respectfull and always done wat we asked. After he would leave I would spend hours soothing her pussy and taking care of it........after he punished it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    I wrote about this under the topic cream pie eating. My wife was really turned on by me eating cream pie after she'd had sex with her lover. her method was to train me to go go down on her by fantasizing that she'd been with another guy. THIS IN TURN , TURNED ME ON AND AS I HAD ALWAYS BEEN INTO EATING PUSSY, especially hers which was always nice and tasty, I loved it even though i didn't realize at the time it was reality.
    Initially it was a turn on for her to enjoy this as i thought I was just role playing. nothing changed when she let me in on the subterfuge because we both loved it. sex with her was always fantastic. Oh to be young and stupid again. (sigh)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    Quoting 'S_OnTheLoose'
    what if he's an artsy fellow who appreciates the contrast of colours in the photos?
    what if it's just that they do lots of the stuff he wants to do in the he's watching - not as the cuckold but as the bull?

    I can't stop laughing at that! Great one, S on the Loose!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    have a black friend over for some drinks one night and tease him before he gets there wear sexy clothes andprogressively flirt and tease eachother infront of him
    drop something putting ur ass on him and pretend ur bout to fall where he saves u from falling but you accidently fall in his lap then say omg with a smile and say that's huge while looking at ur man tell him must be true about bbc noticibly grinding his lap as you say it

    Quoting 'Twisted_Mister'
    Because if he ain't into it, you may need to reassess your priorities...

    There have been plenty of threads posted by guys basically saying ' Help I want my girl to fuck other men and women with me, please help!!!!! :)', and those guys were crucified.

    Same diff in my opinion. Good luck though...

    - Posted from rhpmobile
    have a black friend over for some drinks one night and tease him before he gets there wear sexy clothes andprogressively flirt and tease eachother infront of him drop something putting ur ass on him and pretend ur bout to fall where he saves u from falling but you accidently fall in his lap then say omg with a smile and say that's huge while looking at ur man tell him must be true about bbc noticibly grinding his lap as you say it