
July 26 2017

does anyone know where there is a swingers club or parties in or around Mackay ??, I moved over to Qld from WA and cant believe how quiet it is here .


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    You won't find a swinger's club in Mackay, closest one/s would be in Brisbane / Gold Coast. There might be a private party or two if you're lucky, otherwise the closest for that would be Townsville which has a small swinger population.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    any swingers or m or f wanting to join a couple around geraldton wa

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • littlebitofkink


    7 years ago

    Hi. Are there any swingers running in the Bunbury South West area?

    - Posted from rhpmobile