newbie in this world
October 15 2024
5 months ago
Attend some events, I reckon. The biggest challenge is knocking on the door of your desires.
5 months ago
What are your desires that you think are in this world
5 months ago
Ladies and couples in the lifestyle aren’t scary. Just regular people without proverbial anal blockages cramping our style.
RHP User
4 months ago
A good psychologist can help you - seriously.
Two of my businesses are heavily based on control over anxiety and the fear of rejection. I did mountains of research and had my own psychs to help me personally through the ironic anxiety I experienced in the early stages of building them.
Point being, work out what makes you anxious and find a way to set goals around building boldness and small steps of bravery to counter any fears.
Otherwise you’re simply trying to break through an iceberg with a toothpick.
I’ve used the 10 or so years on this site to also help build character and expose any flaws or issues with my personality m. It all ties in with life itself - good luck mate.madotara69
4 months ago
Well mate, your feelings and emotions will help for all kinds of reasons way more than harm you, so if you can work on better understanding the reasons and it may take some reckoning to the truthfulness, reckon to ego, reckon to empathy if you care that you may be sharing the experience so there is them too.
Now you have a place to put the anxiety and if you have to go there sometimes you will so you can because you know how it feels.
My grandad passed away and every time I think of him it hurts and it’s meant to hurt, I understand and have a place to put the feelings and reckoned to the emotions so that I can go there and hurt when I do,
I guess the anxiety helps me understand that going to the emotions as much they hurt, means warning for if I didn’t have a place to go and hurt.
It’s alright here but there’s plenty dirty fuckers they let us all in years ago
Mado Tara xx
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