RHP User

RHP User

M56 F50

meet n greets

December 08 2015

Newcastle meet and greet is advertised in the events section, we have showed an interest in attending the evening yet it seems we are not up to standards. has this happened to anyone else (yes we are 110% a couple) so we ask the couples that have shown interest only to be overlooked based on appearances.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    We have hosted a few social events and everyone who registers interest will be invited .... unless they have failed to reply to our previous event invitation etc.
    I think what has happened with yourself is you are a guest and therefore your interest is not seen on the guest list!
    As a host you can check which guests have registered but they need to go to the events tab and then to the "my event" tab to see which guests have expressed interest .... not all host know that this is available!
    Sometimes hosts will ask you to send a flirt so they know you are interested!
    Good luck Mrs Tefeela

  • AnnieWhichway


    9 years ago

    It should not be labelled as a meet and greet. After reading the event, it seems like a private party.
    Meet and greets are just that, with all members and guests welcome to attend.
    After also reading your profile, i cant work out why you wouldn't be accepted for such an event unless there is some negative history somewhere. Hope you sort it out.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    The hosts state it's being held at "some of the best, newest and most iconic bars in Newcastle"and mention "2-3 locations which we will send you via a personal email with location and time details, dancing, drinking, trivia and some sexy fun."
    Sounds like the event will be in public bars to me, so not a private party.

    Lou, have you asked why the hosts rejected you? I know they're after sexy people from what they write and I can't find anything in your profile that suggests you are not.

  • AnnieWhichway


    9 years ago

    Ive heard a few private parties start off in the public arena and when sufficiently socially lubricated, retire back to nearby apartment to lube some other things

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    im having similar things occur here in the west ,,eg a bi girls party advertised as for under 40 yr old bi woman ,,only to find out later that numerous over 40 yr old woman were invited and also woman that were straight ,,,,and the current one ,,a singles party for under 45 yr olds ,and i already know of people over 50 that will be in attendance ,,,yet the same people that run these private partys are very happy for us over 50 yr olds to attend there open meets at public venues ,,,well ill say this ,,,,if im not good enough to attend these private partys im certainly not going to attend your public functions to make up the numbers n make these functions succesful ,,just my 2 bobs worth ,,,,xxxxx catherine

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    as the competition is too much for my anxiety.....

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    Perthsocialites meets are for everyone, apart from our over 50s nights obviously, and that is because the over 50s were saying that they couldnt attend some of the other parties because of the age limits. We know we are as young and enthusiastic as some people much younger than we are, especially running around the garden topless,,,,, Hope to see you on Saturday xxxx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    Quoting 'HunniB' im having similar things occur here in the west ,,eg a bi girls party advertised as for under 40 yr old bi woman ,,only to find out later that numerous over 40 yr old woman were invited and also woman that were straight ,,,,and the current one ,,a singles party for under 45 yr olds ,and i already know of people over 50 that will be in attendance ,,,yet the same people that run these private partys are very happy for us over 50 yr olds to attend there open meets at public venues ,,,well ill say this ,,,,if im not good enough to attend these private partys im certainly not going to attend your public functions to make up the numbers n make these functions succesful ,,just my 2 bobs worth ,,,,xxxxx catherine As the hosts of the bi girl party in question yes a few over 45s were invited to attend after they specifically asked to come along...str8 women? I don't know of any that attended or were asked to. If they had bisexual, bi-curious por experimental on there profile and were under 40 they probably recieved an invite. The over 40s who asked to attend were told they could but the party was held for a certain demographic, as is the right of anyone who holds a party in their own private residence. Seems people can never win.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    that shgould read over 40s not over 45s

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    The only thing I'd add is that I noticed your profile reads that you're primarily looking for women, while the event seems to be more about couples for couples.
    You're "Looking For" is only geared towards women, and while you have listed groups, the only couple you've tick boxed is FF.
    Hope you've already found your answer.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    why bother putting age limits on these parties then ,,,,if they dont mean for anything ,,,,simply put for bi girls by invitation only ,,,,saves a lot of confusion and heartache for the people that would also love to attend your event ,,,,

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    exactly right ,,,this isnt the first time for me is it ,,seems some people just can never get a invitation .no matter what they do ,,,,,todays word is discrimination ,,,,,,,think about it ,,,,and that can mean all sorts of things ,,age ,sexuality ,,race ,,?????

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    Quoting 'HunniB' why bother putting age limits on these parties then ,,,,if they dont mean for anything ,,,,simply put for bi girls by invitation only ,,,,saves a lot of confusion and heartache for the people that would also love to attend your event ,,,, Because that is the chief demographic of woman Mrs3 wanted to meet. It was her party. She's 39. Why should she have to justify who she does and doesn't invite to a party she organised in her own home? Calll discrimination all you like but its her right to invite anyone she wants. Those who asked to come along who were a little over the aforementioned age barrier were welcomed by her. The fact people have nothing better to do than gossip about who did and didn't attend/get invited to a party like it's anyone elses business is beyond me. Guess what? I (Mr_Three) didn't get to attend the party either and I LIVE here lol. There's a singles meet n greet on this weekend...guess who's not invited to that? That's right, that would be us. End of rant and that's all I'm saying on the matter...Have fun all you crazy people.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    as for the singles party ,,its simple ,,,,your not single ,,,as for the discrimination word ,,ive personally heard you screaming it many times ,,,gossip ,,,there was none ,,you see this imformation was gained from the chat rooms ,,,i dont get an oppurunity to gossip simply because im never invited to socialise with your selves and others ,,,your so called private party stopped being one when you advertised it publicly in the events section ,,as for yourself not being invited to a bi girls party ,,,well sweetie ,,your a guy ,,thats kind off self explanatory ,,,all sounds like the rantings of some one thats guilty of discrimination to myself ,,,,,ps ,,,,it would be lovely to hear the opinion of the party hostess instead of her male partner on the subject ,,,,

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 years ago

    Sumone say partay??

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • sweetnsensual72


    5 years ago

    We are running meet and greets socially but always at a private venue now. We get a lot of interest registered but can guarantee only 40per cent will actually turn up!
    We have changed them to ticketed events to manage numbers.
    They are really fun nights
    Newcastle is on the events page!