M38 F40
hard to find a true connect female
January 03 2022
RHP User
3 years ago
Evening , Getting to know people is not quite so easy as many hide behind a pack of lie,s and dont wont you to know any thing about them, scammers are very good at what they do.
I have been writing to 2 people and i,m one for asking many ?s well i quess i find out allmost nothing , i have writen much about myself so theres no come back at myself because i,m very up front i,m 74 a female and single i live by myself and work for people and help them a lot all for nothing why, because i know many people and about them and thier need,s , i dont just stay at home i,m very involved with in our groups and people , so i do meet 1000,s of people so i get well known both in NZ and Australia , i quess i have many subjects i,m good at and have learnt a lot so yes i can hold a good conversation with in my own fields there are of cause many i dont know about so i stand down , i,ll listen just wont comment. in other words there are times i,ll be quiet,
Because i,m a Muso and play in our Orchestra and Brass bands i do get to know our people and some who come along to listen . thats in Tas,e as well,
Just because i meet many people does not mean i find some one who would be interested in who i am or wont to hang around me or more the point be with me .
Okay sorry i,m of little help i know what your saying and i,m pretty much like you i find it very hard , and some times being so well known could be a down side .
Take care, from NZ,
...noeleena...RHP User
3 years ago
I suspect it's just as hard to find a good woman as it is a man. Not bisexual but perseverance is key, don't settle.
RHP User
3 years ago
Hi, I read a news story about a new safe place for bi women to meet other bi women.... Skirt Club. For women only....
3 years ago
Most of the guys that I chat with here are very poor comunicators...but once I meet some of them in person they are so much interesting to chat with and with some even take to bed...😊😊
RHP User
3 years ago
I’ll talk to you ;) xx
RHP User
2 years ago
it hard because most women won't talk or they have only fans.
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