electro stimulation
May 27 2017
Can anyone recommend where to start? Can we buy a TENS unit from the chemist and start with that, if so where do we place the pads?
RHP User
8 years ago
I personally (everyone is different of course) would start with a TENS machine. As for placing the pads, my opinion is...wherever you want, being safe as well of course
8 years ago
A TENS unit's probably the cheapest place to start and yes they can be a lot of fun. I like to put the pads on a number of different places like the top of my thighs, groin, pubic mound or cock shaft. An E stim unit is a fantastic device which you can accessorise with by buying attachments for it such as butt plugs, cock rings, urethral sounds. ......and pads. They're A LOT MORE expensive But you can get a less powerful battery operated one at a reasonable price and it still packs apunch. I love mine :)
5 years ago
i want a 2b estim unit, they look awesome, so expensive tho, can get ones that can be controlled over the internet by other people
https://store.e-stim.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=23_24&products_id=129RHP User
5 years ago
Extreme restraints is a good online store for electro sex play stuff. Tens units weren't designed for sexual use.
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