cum very quick

July 10 2024

Don't know who to aim this question at so here goes......
Do guys really cum that quick when they know that they are about to be with a woman and sex happens?
Nit something that ever happened for me.


  • Lovinglifenow202


    2 months ago

    Is this an attempt to flex haha

  • Aidan_Chislong


    2 months ago

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  • Aidan_Chislong


    2 months ago

    Don’t point that thing at me if its loaded

  • CachelessSociety


    2 months ago

    Are you talking about premature ejaculation? If so, maybe aim that question at a doctor 🤔.

  • RachWandered


    2 months ago

    I wish more guys would cum quickly
    My attention span is just not equipped for hours and hours and *yawns*
    I got stuff to get on with and simply don’t have time for 8hrs of hard cocks that don’t fire
    I love the reloaders …. The guys that can cum again and again and again… I have played with one guy with that ability for going on 3 years now and he’s the gift that keeps on giving…

  • EarthQueen


    2 months ago


  • Kinkysubjade


    2 months ago

    I have had guys who cum from looking at me…. Others who cum as soon as I put my feet/shoes in their face. It’s not usually a problem, guys who cum quick usually recover quick and can go again. Cum everywhere, in each hole. Without a gangbang.

  • DannyMF


    a month ago

    I don’t mind if I do or don’t just as long as I know she has. There’s nothing like getting someone to the point and then stopping it and getting back… I could do that for hours

  • RoB_SyD


    a month ago

    I think it goes both ways, some ladies orgasm, squirt, vibrate from light soft finger touches or minimal penetration to bring out the clitorial toy assistance and throw in some penetration and add concentration if needed.

    Not everyone is the same...

  • Aidan_Chislong


    19 days ago

    Going for hours on end without cuming isn’t as good as porn would have you believe ( no this is not an attempt at flexing or grandstanding, quite the opposite)

    For me sometimes I have difficulty cuming during sex , for no fault of my partner either I might add, it’s quite obvious to me that it’s in my head but yet it’s very difficult to turn that switch off when it happens. But other times I get to the end in “normal “ time.

    Imagine having a sneeze that just doesn’t eventuate, that’s what it’s like, very frustrating, and I’m not as fit as I used to be so I run out of breath and that certainly doesn’t help. Definitely not the sexy kind of heavy breathing

    And on top of that when I do finally get to the finish line it’s often not as intense ( not to be confused with the sensation of edging 🌋🤯)

    So to recap I envy guys who are able to reload quickly and go again and again. I’m usually way out of breath and need a good lie down